[Guide] DONEE'S AWESOME ShadowKnight PvP defense
Guide by

- 2. Updates
- 3. About the class
- 4. Rotations
- 5. Gear
- 6. Lunastone / Lunagem
- 7. Videos
- 8. Question and Answers

Hey guys. I am sorry to say this but i am done with Archeage. I will not be playing it anymore and consequently the guide will not receive any further updates. See ya in other games, who is still interested in others mmo's pvp videos, keep following the youtube channel. Take care everyone!
22/01/2015 - Guide is back online23/01/2015 - New pvp video added
28/01/2015 - New video added
27/02/2015 - New video added
About the class
Shadowknight is a mobile heavy CC tanky class.It can be played as single target lockdown or backup tanker.
Lots of CC's
Sustain heal
Lack of burst damage
Hard to kill some healers, like Templar/Paladin
Trip combos:
Silence / Shackle combos:
Damaging Combos:
+ = +77% dmg on Overwhelm and +20% dmg in all abilities for 20 seconds.
or + = +33% dmg on shadowsmite
or + = +1000ish dmg as DoT on enervate
+ = +55% dmg on enervate
or or + = +42% dmg on bullrush
+ = +31% dmg on shield slam
Armor is a personal preference, up to each one of you.
Plate or Cloth, that is debateable, personal preference.
Set variations that works with this class: Lake, Wave and Earth.
Scepter and shield of course. The best scepter you can get, because magical attack is never enough, more better.
Lunastone / Lunagem
Head: Stealth detection
Chest: -3% dmg received
Waist: Intelligence
Wrists: Intelligence
Gloves: + 16% critical dmg
Legs: Intelligence
Feets: +5% movement speed
Scepter: +2% magic dmg
Shield: + 270 defense
Head: Defense + 50
Chest: Resillence 320
Waist: Defense + 50
Wrists: Defense + 50
Gloves: Defense + 50
Legs: Toughness 235
Feets: Move speed +2%
Scepter: Focus 190
Shield: Block rate
Video Guide:
PvP Videos:
*Sorry for bad gamma colours. I had some issues when uploading/editing but it will be fixed in future videos.
Question and Answers
If you have any questions, leave a comment below and i'll answer shortly.If your question is a very common one, i may add it to guide in this section.
arthas123, Ricecakes, Salix, nicotineaddiction, Loux, BloodyTincture, RazAlgethi, Davichin, Masamune, okunhardt, arcare, Brosky, Brigadierjones, Ethria, Doktar, Arshana, Yed, Egitto, Farlang, Chernabog, queso100, reslinal, Narkgrave, Krusty, Peytuin, AeronIsABeast, minanza, WitherMcSpoon, EarlyGame, Dann, hadeskin, kadosao, clockcycle, Nevhie
Hey guys. I am sorry to say this but i am done with Archeage. I will not be playing it anymore and consequently the guide will not receive any further updates. See ya in other games, who is still interested in others mmo's pvp videos, keep following the youtube channel. Take care everyone!
Ey wanted to ask you ab your preference of 270def on the shield--personally I go for the 2% block for the chance to completely block cc (whereaas 270def may mitigate damage but will still leave you tripped 2% more of the time). Also, 270def has diminishing returns after the soft cap, altho that's not an issue when wearing cloth which is what I'm moving towards, not sure if you already run that usually. As always great guide and I'll def keep this bookmarked as I continue to work toward 55 :)
Can I poke your thoughts on what skills to take with the new points?
Can work, but not optimal. Other builds are just better for pve, like arcanist/demonologist.
Does this also work in pve ?