Replaced Wild Instincts passive (Archery) for Float (Archery).
I've bound teleport to scroll wheel forward, backdrop to scroll wheel backward, 1-8 for damaging skills, R, T, Y for buffs and, F and G for immunities, stealth on `. Active skills are much more useful than passives. Try to be able to use as many skills as you can if possible, but it can be overwhelming. Taking a point out of one of the Archer tree passive and replacing it for Float might be smart if you can play it correctly. That is the only change I would make to this build.
You can bait out CC with immunities. This will put them in range for you to them. You have to wary of trips and sleep, however, which you will not be immune to. You have to fight each class differently, preparing for their CC's. If they have a shield + defense + battlerage, you'll probably lose unless they have no idea what they're doing. You can win by kiting them if they messed up or lack 2 jump-type abilities in their build (as in, they have a bad build), but you'll probably lose. Stone Arrows will also beat you because you can't use range to your advantage (you'll lose trying because of their blocks), but you also don't want to to get in range of their shadowplay and battlerage combos. I've outplayed my opponents many times, baiting out their buffs, getting my sleep on them, then comboing, but it simply doesn't matter because of their shield.
Darkrunners are easy as long as you use your immunities and range to your advantage. Start ranging them, they'll teleport onto you, pop your immune abilities so you won't be CC'd, sleep them, for a 20-25m distance from them, for the shackle and burst, combo the rest of your skills, dead. Do it again and it's a free 100 honor. Let anyone CC you, and you die. Darkrunners can sleep you with one ability and trip you with Stalker's Mark (27M range for them) and overwhelm. If you have Stalker's Mark on you and they popped their buffs, backdroping and teleporting away until they end will yield a big advantage for you.
Daggerspells can remove your stun and fear immunities. You'll have to stay as far away from them as possible. If you get CC'd once, you're gonna get combo'd and die.
In 5v5 arenas, let melee stealth go ahead of you and start fighting, then pop out. If a melee gets in range, kite away with drop back and teleport while your team kills them. I made the mistake of thinking I can get in range, and squishy targets for an easy kill, then backdrop and teleport away, but I simply lack the damage to do so quickly and would get CC'd by their teammate before I could finish them off. You have the highest range, be sure to use it to your advantage when it isn't 1v1.
As far as open PvP, if you get the drop on them you'll probably win. You can 1v2 if you play it right and they are squishy classes. I am not geared, so 1v3ing is a bit of a stretch. Anything with Battlerage + Defense will still be tough. Be wary of anyone with a shield. You'll either die to them or go OOM trying to kill them (it's happened before). You'll need to seriously outplay them. In naval combat, you're the strongest class because of your range.
As I hit endgame I started appreciating this class a lot more. They're a bit of a mana drain while leveling unless you take Meditate (and I certainly suggest taking it while leveling, I stupidly did not), and in my opinion a class that requires a bit more skill than the other 2-shot classes or tank classes. I'm undecided as to whether I will play Primeval or Darkrunner. Luckily they're only a skill tree away. I haven't been PvPing for very long, so take this with a grain of salt.
TLDR: Don't get CC'd, bait out their gap closers and CC's, range OP, beware of shields.
Replaced Wild Instincts passive (Archery) for Float (Archery).
I've bound teleport to scroll wheel forward, backdrop to scroll wheel backward, 1-8 for damaging skills, R, T, Y for buffs and, F and G for immunities, stealth on `. Active skills are much more useful than passives. Try to be able to use as many skills as you can if possible, but it can be overwhelming. Taking a point out of one of the Archer tree passive and replacing it for Float might be smart if you can play it correctly. That is the only change I would make to this build.
You can bait out CC with immunities. This will put them in range for you to them. You have to wary of trips and sleep, however, which you will not be immune to. You have to fight each class differently, preparing for their CC's. If they have a shield + defense + battlerage, you'll probably lose unless they have no idea what they're doing. You can win by kiting them if they messed up or lack 2 jump-type abilities in their build (as in, they have a bad build), but you'll probably lose. Stone Arrows will also beat you because you can't use range to your advantage (you'll lose trying because of their blocks), but you also don't want to to get in range of their shadowplay and battlerage combos. I've outplayed my opponents many times, baiting out their buffs, getting my sleep on them, then comboing, but it simply doesn't matter because of their shield.
Darkrunners are easy as long as you use your immunities and range to your advantage. Start ranging them, they'll teleport onto you, pop your immune abilities so you won't be CC'd, sleep them, for a 20-25m distance from them, for the shackle and burst, combo the rest of your skills, dead. Do it again and it's a free 100 honor. Let anyone CC you, and you die. Darkrunners can sleep you with one ability and trip you with Stalker's Mark (27M range for them) and overwhelm. If you have Stalker's Mark on you and they popped their buffs, backdroping and teleporting away until they end will yield a big advantage for you.
Daggerspells can remove your stun and fear immunities. You'll have to stay as far away from them as possible. If you get CC'd once, you're gonna get combo'd and die.
In 5v5 arenas, let melee stealth go ahead of you and start fighting, then pop out. If a melee gets in range, kite away with drop back and teleport while your team kills them. I made the mistake of thinking I can get in range, and squishy targets for an easy kill, then backdrop and teleport away, but I simply lack the damage to do so quickly and would get CC'd by their teammate before I could finish them off. You have the highest range, be sure to use it to your advantage when it isn't 1v1.
As far as open PvP, if you get the drop on them you'll probably win. You can 1v2 if you play it right and they are squishy classes. I am not geared, so 1v3ing is a bit of a stretch. Anything with Battlerage + Defense will still be tough. Be wary of anyone with a shield. You'll either die to them or go OOM trying to kill them (it's happened before). You'll need to seriously outplay them. In naval combat, you're the strongest class because of your range.
As I hit endgame I started appreciating this class a lot more. They're a bit of a mana drain while leveling unless you take Meditate (and I certainly suggest taking it while leveling, I stupidly did not), and in my opinion a class that requires a bit more skill than the other 2-shot classes or tank classes. I'm undecided as to whether I will play Primeval or Darkrunner. Luckily they're only a skill tree away. I haven't been PvPing for very long, so take this with a grain of salt.
TLDR: Don't get CC'd, bait out their gap closers and CC's, range OP, beware of shields.
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