Shadowblade, HIGH DMG CC CHAIN w/ escapes battlerage
Guide by

Weapon: Nodachi (for mor crit chance, plus you look badass =D)
Armor: Leather (your choice of runes, more def if your having trouble with melee, or mdef if trouble with mages, if no trouble, agi crit for more glass.
(build outdated, will update later this week with new skills and combos (a tested working build as a lvl50 shadowblade)
This class has so many CC and combos that even if one of your combos gets interrupted, you can easily do a different combo. I won't list all the combos you can do , which would be way too long to type up, however, I will list important ones.
This class also has the ability to get out of "OH SHIT" moments. Sleeps, fears, stuns, and stealth are your escapes.
Combo 1:
If they CC break, tough it out till their immunity is over, use wait for ur cooldowns a sec and repeat combo. You DO NOT have to do this combo to do serious damage and cc chain. You can mix it around to your own liking. I am only posting what I like personally. My combos can be broken, however, if there immunity is over, you can easily get back in a combo.
ALWAYS USE COMBOS. Do not randomly start using triple flash and try to jump behind him and use shadowmite. COMBO = DAMAGE = HEAVY CC = WORKS!
Even small simple combos work like : and whatever you like. There is a ton of combos. Do you fits you or is easier for you.
This game is very gear dependent and in OWPVP you will get ganked and drop. This build is good for 1v1 and singling out players in group pvp. It's all about positioning and when to strike. Try and be stealthy. Your an Assassin, your a SHADOW BLADE.
You have heavy CC and Spike combos
You have Stealth, to sneak trade packs, sneak by zergers, and surprise attack enemies.
You have CC Get aways : is a smallll example. Be creative. Just realize that helps your stuns and trips last longer. So use that skill first IF TIME PERMITS. You also have runaway .
You wear leather, your squishy. and helps with mages so it wont be THAT BAD. As i said, game is heavily gear dependent.
If fighting mages with bubble trap combos , use your for BUBBLE!! Do not use it if your snared. I have not tested if removes snares, however if it does, your in good luck, use it instead, because, if you get bubbled by a daggerspell or spellsinger, your going to be taking ALOT of damage. If a mage is about to Lassitude and meteror strike you, then YES, USE YOUR .
Edit: Also when fighting other melees. It's usually whoever gets the first stun or cc off that gets their combos in first. So to almost guarantee your combo first, try> combo. If they break it, well now their cc break is on cd, try and different combo.
Also if you do not like that fact that i dont have , you can swap out if your not having trouble mages.
Another thing : Also. YOU NEED TO PAY ATTENTION when your fighting someone with Defense tree and look out for Redoubt!!, You can tell by the symbol on his status bar, or when he casts it; there will be 3 shiny shields that quickly go around him. Once you see this, you want to use . It only removes 1 debuff so might not get lucky to remove redoubt, however, if you do, go in for the kill as they will be able to be tripped.
Any questions feel free to ask.
Armor: Leather (your choice of runes, more def if your having trouble with melee, or mdef if trouble with mages, if no trouble, agi crit for more glass.
(build outdated, will update later this week with new skills and combos (a tested working build as a lvl50 shadowblade)
This class has so many CC and combos that even if one of your combos gets interrupted, you can easily do a different combo. I won't list all the combos you can do , which would be way too long to type up, however, I will list important ones.
This class also has the ability to get out of "OH SHIT" moments. Sleeps, fears, stuns, and stealth are your escapes.
Combo 1:
If they CC break, tough it out till their immunity is over, use wait for ur cooldowns a sec and repeat combo. You DO NOT have to do this combo to do serious damage and cc chain. You can mix it around to your own liking. I am only posting what I like personally. My combos can be broken, however, if there immunity is over, you can easily get back in a combo.
ALWAYS USE COMBOS. Do not randomly start using triple flash and try to jump behind him and use shadowmite. COMBO = DAMAGE = HEAVY CC = WORKS!
Even small simple combos work like : and whatever you like. There is a ton of combos. Do you fits you or is easier for you.
This game is very gear dependent and in OWPVP you will get ganked and drop. This build is good for 1v1 and singling out players in group pvp. It's all about positioning and when to strike. Try and be stealthy. Your an Assassin, your a SHADOW BLADE.
You have heavy CC and Spike combos
You have Stealth, to sneak trade packs, sneak by zergers, and surprise attack enemies.
You have CC Get aways : is a smallll example. Be creative. Just realize that helps your stuns and trips last longer. So use that skill first IF TIME PERMITS. You also have runaway .
You wear leather, your squishy. and helps with mages so it wont be THAT BAD. As i said, game is heavily gear dependent.
If fighting mages with bubble trap combos , use your for BUBBLE!! Do not use it if your snared. I have not tested if removes snares, however if it does, your in good luck, use it instead, because, if you get bubbled by a daggerspell or spellsinger, your going to be taking ALOT of damage. If a mage is about to Lassitude and meteror strike you, then YES, USE YOUR .
Edit: Also when fighting other melees. It's usually whoever gets the first stun or cc off that gets their combos in first. So to almost guarantee your combo first, try> combo. If they break it, well now their cc break is on cd, try and different combo.
Also if you do not like that fact that i dont have , you can swap out if your not having trouble mages.
Another thing : Also. YOU NEED TO PAY ATTENTION when your fighting someone with Defense tree and look out for Redoubt!!, You can tell by the symbol on his status bar, or when he casts it; there will be 3 shiny shields that quickly go around him. Once you see this, you want to use . It only removes 1 debuff so might not get lucky to remove redoubt, however, if you do, go in for the kill as they will be able to be tripped.
Any questions feel free to ask.
Skillset as is atm is what im running at 50. I'll rewrite the guide later this weekend
Thanks for the input, i agree for now as i didnt notice much help of magic detection in group pvp, but then again, i have not fought that many mages, and if i did i was focused hard.
500 mdef is nothing, since you will run leather anyway.
it's better to run weapon mastery and frenzy instead, that 21% more than makes up for the loss of 500mdef.