This is a frontline crowd control battle tank. Able to function in small and large groups as a sole raid breaker or as secondary assist to Revanent with 1v1 sustain.
In light of our recent siege it has become apparent that we will need to
min/max our raid composition as best we can to clear out enemy forces so
we can have more uptime on the walls. Assuming Trion doesn’t revert the
wall’s hp and mitigation changes, have a raid consisting of more AoE
damage becomes crucial.
http://arche-base.com/builds/edit/38816#5.7.4/xgb7CmEms01 Revenant 1
http://arche-base.com/builds/edit/38233#5.7.4/xlb1CPb1ms01 2 Meteor Variant
http://archeagedatabase.net/us/calc/243329/ Battlemage Sorc Heavy
http://archeagedatabase.net/us/calc/236513/ Battlemage 2 Occult Heavy
http://archeagedatabase.net/us/calc/254355 Demonologist Sorc Heavy
http://archeagedatabase.net/us/calc/236518/ Demonologist 2 Occult Heavy
http://archeagedatabase.net/us/calc/245563 Skullknight
While these builds are not quite set in stone, the only real wiggle room
present will be in some of the passives. And even then some are just flat
out better. If you have suggestions feel free to let me know, but for the
most part these are tried and true combinations of abilities.
Explanation of Key Abilities
Freezing Earth/Searing Rain/Chain Lightning/Flame Barrier
Your basic bread and butter AoE spells. If you’re running Sorcery you
must have all these skills no exceptions. After you use your CC spells
from Occultism and Auramancy, drop down a Freezing Earth and Flame
Barrier then go ham with Searing Rain or Summon Wraith.
Magic Circle
Stand in for moar dmg. More often than not you won’t be able to cast this
amid your normal rotation but if you’re running one of the Meteor
variants you’ll the time while your other skills cooldown.
Hell Spear
Sickest AoE stun in the game, completely neuters enemy charges even if
they have Auramancy, so long as they didn’t pre-pop Shrug It Off.
Summon Crows
Use after Hell Spear, lowers Physical Accuracy of any melee the enemy
raid has mistakenly decided to field also applies a poison debuff.
AoE silence that also removes Fear from yourself. Perfect for countering
any Witchcraft users who are fear bombing.
Summon Wraith
One of the sickest AoE spells in the game. A channeling spell that’s
usually casted after all of your CCs, it slows movement, attack and cast
speed of all enemies within 7 meters.
Precast this before you jump into the fray to lower all Occultism
cooldowns by 9 sec.
Mana Stars
To keep you occupied while all your other spells are on cooldown :>
Lowers your GCD for even faster Mana Stars, but more importantly makes
for some pretty damaging Vicious Implosions at 3x stacks. Get in the
habit of spamming this key whenever it’s off CD.
Vicious Implosion
A key element in the Hell Spear/Crows combo, pulls enemies towards you
for maximum stunnage.
Conversion Shield/Shrug It Off/ Liberation
The defensive core of the Auramancy tree. You’ll want to pop these three
Liberation > Conversion Shield > Shrug It Off before jumping in with
Teleport to circumvent any CC that would interrupt your combo. Shrug only
lasts 4 sec so wait till the absolute last moment to pre-pop it. It will
mean the difference between getting counter Hellspeared or not.
Protective Wings
Maek u emoon to magick. If you don’t see a Wings up, you know people are
doing it wrong. Does not make you immune to CCs, hence the importance of
siege breakers :>
Banshee’s Wail
AoE fear or as Flusk called it Commencing the Spookening
Dahuta’s Breath
A great spell for knocking back enemies into our own raid. Time your jump
with a little forward movement as your casting the spell to push enemies
back even further. Some practice needed.
Courageos Action
Spookening Prevention. Cast on your fellow Revenants.
Free magic defense and melee shackle if you cast on silenced targets
(from Stillness)
Make you strong and tanky. Don’t forget to recast after you die for the
400th time.
Revitalizing Cheer
Your Mettle consuming skill, keeps you alive even longer for another
round of AoE.
The bane of existence for all physical damage classes, of which there
will undoubtedly be on the enemy side. Use after Liberation to gain a
Magic Shield.
Useful for splitting enemy raids in half and trapping clusters for
focused AoE.
Note I said enemy raids, with emphasis on the enemy.
12 seconds to go get a drink while 15 Primevals spam Endless Arrows on
you. Oh and it also let’s your AoEs cooldown for another round of
General Guidelines
Follow the leader.
10 Revenants going in as a concentrated unit is much more devastating
than 10 in split up locations. Be visually aware of your fellow
initiators and if they’ve used their Implosions/Hell Spears or not, try
not to overlap. We’re not talking about perfect timing of casts but do
your best to chain CC one after the other to maximize up time.
Be flexible.
For example, if one half the raid is chain CCing then the other half will
lay down AoEs amid the Impales and Implosions. Once their rotation is
finished then they become the one’s CCing and vice versa. This will
increase the duration enemies will be standing in fire and less time
they’re attacking us.
Wings is your friend.
We’ll be refining how we do Wings rotations as we near our next siege.
But for the most part if you’ve done your AoEs and are waiting for them
to cooldown. Channeling wings if there isn’t one up is much better than
mashing your Mana Stars key.
You are what will be ideally the majority of our raid, the ultimate
toolkit for melting the faces of hordes of enemies. Initiation, CC, and
AoE wrapped up into one efficient class.
Urgency > Liberation > Conversion Shield > Shrug It Off (to prevent being
counter Hell Speared)
>Teleport > Vicious Implosion > Hell Spear > Crows > Stillness
Then your Sorcery AoEs. Freezing Earth> Flame Barrier > Searing
Rain/Summon Wraith. If you’ve opted for the Meteor variant, then Magic
Circle and line it up. If not then just spam some Mana Stars, drink some
pots and get ready for another go.
The tankiest initiators without much of the damage. You’ll be running in
with the Revenants as well and act as their vanguard, trying to draw fire
on yourselves while the real damage will come from the casters. Even
though death timers decrease over time in sieges, do your best to become
the biggest nuisance to the enemy and stay alive for as many CC rotations
as possible. Summon Wraith will be your best friend as your tankiness
will let you cast it for longer without fear of dying, unless you’re
CCed. Use your Imprisons to cutting off portions of the enemy raid to be
cleaned up by your casters (just make sure you have some with you
inside). Or break through the enemy by popping all your defensives then
Imprisoning a portion of their back line.
Urgency > Liberation > Redoubt >Conversion Shield > Shrug It Off (to
prevent being counter Hell Speared)
>Teleport > Vicious Implosion > Hell Spear > Crows > Stillness > Summon
As much AoE potential as Revenants without the mobility and defense. You
guys bring the utility of Witchcraft to the raid. Buff your friendly
Revenants with Courageous Action to prevent them from being feared and
they’ll be immune to pretty much every CC when initiating. Without any
real gap closers you’ll be coming in just a tad behind the Revenants and
using your Sorcery AoE amid the CC chain of the Revenants. You can then
follow up with your CCs so as to not overlap with the Revenants. The
order is not always a rule of thumb as mentioned, so use your judgement.
Urgency > Hell Spear > Crows > Stillness
Then your Sorcery AoEs. Freezing Earth> Flame Barrier > Searing
Rain/Summon Wraith
Afterwards you can use Banshee’s Wail to disrupt enemy lines further or
Dahuta’s Breath to knock them back into our raid.
Battle Mages
An even tankier Revenant without the gap closer. Same basic principle as
the Revenants. Look at the situation and either start your rotation with
the CCs or if enemies are already being controlled begin your AoEs with
CC follow-up after. As with Skullknights use Imprisons wisely. If deep
into enemy lines you can pop Invincibility to wait for cooldowns and drop
the number of attackers on yourself, allowing you to reengage again with
all spells up.
Urgency > Redoubt > Hell Spear > Crows > Stillness
Then your Sorcery AoEs. Chain Lightning >Freezing Earth> Flame Barrier >
Searing Rain/Summon Wraith
In light of our recent siege it has become apparent that we will need to
min/max our raid composition as best we can to clear out enemy forces so
we can have more uptime on the walls. Assuming Trion doesn’t revert the
wall’s hp and mitigation changes, have a raid consisting of more AoE
damage becomes crucial.
http://arche-base.com/builds/edit/38816#5.7.4/xgb7CmEms01 Revenant 1
http://arche-base.com/builds/edit/38233#5.7.4/xlb1CPb1ms01 2 Meteor Variant
http://archeagedatabase.net/us/calc/243329/ Battlemage Sorc Heavy
http://archeagedatabase.net/us/calc/236513/ Battlemage 2 Occult Heavy
http://archeagedatabase.net/us/calc/254355 Demonologist Sorc Heavy
http://archeagedatabase.net/us/calc/236518/ Demonologist 2 Occult Heavy
http://archeagedatabase.net/us/calc/245563 Skullknight
While these builds are not quite set in stone, the only real wiggle room
present will be in some of the passives. And even then some are just flat
out better. If you have suggestions feel free to let me know, but for the
most part these are tried and true combinations of abilities.
Explanation of Key Abilities
Freezing Earth/Searing Rain/Chain Lightning/Flame Barrier
Your basic bread and butter AoE spells. If you’re running Sorcery you
must have all these skills no exceptions. After you use your CC spells
from Occultism and Auramancy, drop down a Freezing Earth and Flame
Barrier then go ham with Searing Rain or Summon Wraith.
Magic Circle
Stand in for moar dmg. More often than not you won’t be able to cast this
amid your normal rotation but if you’re running one of the Meteor
variants you’ll the time while your other skills cooldown.
Hell Spear
Sickest AoE stun in the game, completely neuters enemy charges even if
they have Auramancy, so long as they didn’t pre-pop Shrug It Off.
Summon Crows
Use after Hell Spear, lowers Physical Accuracy of any melee the enemy
raid has mistakenly decided to field also applies a poison debuff.
AoE silence that also removes Fear from yourself. Perfect for countering
any Witchcraft users who are fear bombing.
Summon Wraith
One of the sickest AoE spells in the game. A channeling spell that’s
usually casted after all of your CCs, it slows movement, attack and cast
speed of all enemies within 7 meters.
Precast this before you jump into the fray to lower all Occultism
cooldowns by 9 sec.
Mana Stars
To keep you occupied while all your other spells are on cooldown :>
Lowers your GCD for even faster Mana Stars, but more importantly makes
for some pretty damaging Vicious Implosions at 3x stacks. Get in the
habit of spamming this key whenever it’s off CD.
Vicious Implosion
A key element in the Hell Spear/Crows combo, pulls enemies towards you
for maximum stunnage.
Conversion Shield/Shrug It Off/ Liberation
The defensive core of the Auramancy tree. You’ll want to pop these three
Liberation > Conversion Shield > Shrug It Off before jumping in with
Teleport to circumvent any CC that would interrupt your combo. Shrug only
lasts 4 sec so wait till the absolute last moment to pre-pop it. It will
mean the difference between getting counter Hellspeared or not.
Protective Wings
Maek u emoon to magick. If you don’t see a Wings up, you know people are
doing it wrong. Does not make you immune to CCs, hence the importance of
siege breakers :>
Banshee’s Wail
AoE fear or as Flusk called it Commencing the Spookening
Dahuta’s Breath
A great spell for knocking back enemies into our own raid. Time your jump
with a little forward movement as your casting the spell to push enemies
back even further. Some practice needed.
Courageos Action
Spookening Prevention. Cast on your fellow Revenants.
Free magic defense and melee shackle if you cast on silenced targets
(from Stillness)
Make you strong and tanky. Don’t forget to recast after you die for the
400th time.
Revitalizing Cheer
Your Mettle consuming skill, keeps you alive even longer for another
round of AoE.
The bane of existence for all physical damage classes, of which there
will undoubtedly be on the enemy side. Use after Liberation to gain a
Magic Shield.
Useful for splitting enemy raids in half and trapping clusters for
focused AoE.
Note I said enemy raids, with emphasis on the enemy.
12 seconds to go get a drink while 15 Primevals spam Endless Arrows on
you. Oh and it also let’s your AoEs cooldown for another round of
General Guidelines
Follow the leader.
10 Revenants going in as a concentrated unit is much more devastating
than 10 in split up locations. Be visually aware of your fellow
initiators and if they’ve used their Implosions/Hell Spears or not, try
not to overlap. We’re not talking about perfect timing of casts but do
your best to chain CC one after the other to maximize up time.
Be flexible.
For example, if one half the raid is chain CCing then the other half will
lay down AoEs amid the Impales and Implosions. Once their rotation is
finished then they become the one’s CCing and vice versa. This will
increase the duration enemies will be standing in fire and less time
they’re attacking us.
Wings is your friend.
We’ll be refining how we do Wings rotations as we near our next siege.
But for the most part if you’ve done your AoEs and are waiting for them
to cooldown. Channeling wings if there isn’t one up is much better than
mashing your Mana Stars key.
You are what will be ideally the majority of our raid, the ultimate
toolkit for melting the faces of hordes of enemies. Initiation, CC, and
AoE wrapped up into one efficient class.
Urgency > Liberation > Conversion Shield > Shrug It Off (to prevent being
counter Hell Speared)
>Teleport > Vicious Implosion > Hell Spear > Crows > Stillness
Then your Sorcery AoEs. Freezing Earth> Flame Barrier > Searing
Rain/Summon Wraith. If you’ve opted for the Meteor variant, then Magic
Circle and line it up. If not then just spam some Mana Stars, drink some
pots and get ready for another go.
The tankiest initiators without much of the damage. You’ll be running in
with the Revenants as well and act as their vanguard, trying to draw fire
on yourselves while the real damage will come from the casters. Even
though death timers decrease over time in sieges, do your best to become
the biggest nuisance to the enemy and stay alive for as many CC rotations
as possible. Summon Wraith will be your best friend as your tankiness
will let you cast it for longer without fear of dying, unless you’re
CCed. Use your Imprisons to cutting off portions of the enemy raid to be
cleaned up by your casters (just make sure you have some with you
inside). Or break through the enemy by popping all your defensives then
Imprisoning a portion of their back line.
Urgency > Liberation > Redoubt >Conversion Shield > Shrug It Off (to
prevent being counter Hell Speared)
>Teleport > Vicious Implosion > Hell Spear > Crows > Stillness > Summon
As much AoE potential as Revenants without the mobility and defense. You
guys bring the utility of Witchcraft to the raid. Buff your friendly
Revenants with Courageous Action to prevent them from being feared and
they’ll be immune to pretty much every CC when initiating. Without any
real gap closers you’ll be coming in just a tad behind the Revenants and
using your Sorcery AoE amid the CC chain of the Revenants. You can then
follow up with your CCs so as to not overlap with the Revenants. The
order is not always a rule of thumb as mentioned, so use your judgement.
Urgency > Hell Spear > Crows > Stillness
Then your Sorcery AoEs. Freezing Earth> Flame Barrier > Searing
Rain/Summon Wraith
Afterwards you can use Banshee’s Wail to disrupt enemy lines further or
Dahuta’s Breath to knock them back into our raid.
Battle Mages
An even tankier Revenant without the gap closer. Same basic principle as
the Revenants. Look at the situation and either start your rotation with
the CCs or if enemies are already being controlled begin your AoEs with
CC follow-up after. As with Skullknights use Imprisons wisely. If deep
into enemy lines you can pop Invincibility to wait for cooldowns and drop
the number of attackers on yourself, allowing you to reengage again with
all spells up.
Urgency > Redoubt > Hell Spear > Crows > Stillness
Then your Sorcery AoEs. Chain Lightning >Freezing Earth> Flame Barrier >
Searing Rain/Summon Wraith
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