Abolisher|Open World|Sticks to Targets|Nice Damage auramancy
Guide by

- 1. Introduction
- 2. Combos
- 3. Battlerage Tree Explained
- 4. Defense Tree Explained
- 5. Auramancy Tree Explained
- 6. Potential Swap Outs
- 7. Potential Swap In
- 8. Armour
- 9. Weapons/Shield
- 10. Stats
- 11. Sources
Hey, I'm Secretpancake and this is my take on the abolisher class. I like to focus on open world pvp and not arenas so that is why I take some skills that won't be that useful in a 1v1. I'm also still leveling the battlerage tree so I can't test battle focus/tiger strike because I swapped from templar to abolisher. If you have any suggestions or corrections to this build guide please let me know.Combos
Engage:>: This combo snares, then trips the target after the first triple slash.
Shield Slam/Bull Rush Combo:
>>: Use charge, if it was reset by triple slash when you engaged, for additional damage when you shield slam. Then use your shield slam/bull rush combo to trip the enemy.
Tiger Strike Combo:
>: Makes tigerstrike do +13% damage.
Shrug It Off/Boastful Roar Combo:
>: Use this combo whenever you have 3000 mettle or can finish off your enemy.
: Can be used as an engage or a disengage.
or or or : Use these abilities whenever they apply to your situation.
: Use this when you need more CC to lock your enemies down or to finish them off with extra damage.
: Use when surrounded by enemies, or need your key CC abilities/damage.
Battlerage Tree Explained
: Spam-able ability.: Good gap closer.
: This is a must. Fuck lassitude.
: Really good damage skill.
: This cooldown reduction offered by this skill seems really useful. I need to test it out before I can give my thoughts.
: Also need to test this skill. Seems to be a good damage spell.
: Damage.
: This also needs some testing. I don't know how much this will proc and the longest cooldown skill we have is 42 seconds.
: Really useful for sticking to targets after your cc runs out. Could swap this out if you want more damage.
: So many people run plate that the physical penetration is really useful.
Defense Tree Explained
: Combos really well with bull rush.: Method of generating mettle, and health buff is useful.
: Combos really well with shield slam.
: Once you reach 3000 mettle, you should be able to shrug it off/boastful roar to finish your target or chunk your target heavily.
: Allows you to pick up bear's vigor and also combos well with it.
: I like the block rate that this gives, and prevents trip.
: Really good skill that can distract enemies, allow you to escape, turn a fight, or simply just wait for cooldowns.
: More block is really useful.
: This physical defense increase is really nice.
: Really good stat boost.
Auramancy Tree Explained
: Really good gap closer.: Really useful, and makes your boastful roar do way more damage.
Potential Swap Outs
: You could switch this out for something more aggressive if you want more damage.Potential Swap In
: Gives you a lot more damage and you may be able to mitigate the stun with shrug it off. Sacrifices a lot of your tank versus physical enemies, in return for magic absorb. Works well with deflect and retaliate because of its long cooldown.: Run this if you're shield swapping for shield slam/bull rush then re-euipping your second weapon.
: This spell is something you should consider if you want to close off the entrance of a base in Halcyona, or to help set up a meteor versus a zerg.
: Combos well with shield slam/bull rush combo and is strong versus magic damage.
: Useful in a small group scenario, 1v2, or 1v1. Allows you to wait for your cooldowns or single out a target. Not good in large scale pvp because someone will more than likely cancel its effect.
You want to run plate armour because of its bonus.-Plate 4/7: Increases Defense +3%
-Plate 7/7: Increases Defense +3% and max health +5%. Also decreases duration of Stun and Shackle -20%.
For weapons, you want 1 handed swords because its effect (When receiving damage there is a chance to parry next attack) works well with your Deflect and Retaliate. You also want slashing damage because piercing is too bad against plate. It is also really easy to get a good 1h sword through Hasla. If you can get two good 1h swords then you can swap out your shield for another 1h sword once you land your shield slam/bull rush combo. Shield is self explanatory.Stats
Here is a list a what all the stats do:-Strength: Increases melee attack +0.2 per point, parry rate, melee accuracy, and melee/ranged block rate.
-Intelligence: Increases magic attack +0.2 per point, max mana, magic accuracy, magic/ranged evasion, and magic/ranged critical rates.
-Agility: Increases ranged attack +0.2 per point, ranged accuracy, melee/ranged evasion, melee/ranged critical rates.
-Spirit: Increases healing power +0.2 per point, magic defense +1 per point, health/mana regen (off combat), and all accuracy.
-Stamina: Increases max health + 12 per point, and parry.
You want to prioritize strength, then stamina, then agility. Strength provides you with all the stats you need as a physical melee. Stamina makes you much more tanky and gives you more parry which works well with Deflect and Retaliate. Agility isn't as useful as the others, but the additional evasion and critical rates is more useful for you than the other two stats.
Thurion - Fun fact is Boastful Roar deals non attribute raw damage - skill itself do not scale on magic or physical but on stacked mettle. Shrug It Off is a buff that reduces -50% magic damage that is taken and not dealt to the owner of buff. And main thing is while Boastful Roar passive increase damage done by 60% while Shrug It Off is active and on initial value of mettle then it means that raw damage will be 3000 + 60% = 4800 per combo Shrug It Off + Boastful Roar if caster has 3000 mettle. That damage done by Boastful has no attribute after all.
I assume you need to get the shield from Hasla for this build
Why not take the 2nd passive in battlerage? It provides an extra 8% crit regardless of what you wield.
I think the triptank version of this build is better, this doesnt look like it can really do as much damage but it probably sticks to the person better. Also to ThurionRugar : shrug it off does do the full 60% increase not only 10% and if you dont believe me go have a mock pvp with someone get 3k mettle use them both and watch it do 5k dmg.
I only tested this spec out during BETA. If you have a lot experience being an abolisher than make your own guide. This is not a pve spec and I never had the opportunity to test out a specific build for pve. I don't know what your point about GHA is, who says you have to kite? If every party members has T1 hasla it can easily be tanked. As much as I want to says "Thanks for the criticism", you're literally just calling me a bad player when I have openly said I only tested this spec in beta.