BlackLotus' Lvl 50 Dualwield Darkrunner PVP Build auramancy
Guide by

I know most Darkrunner are playing 2H because mostly claims it to be better. But screw that shit, I am still going to dualwield. This is a dual-wield build, short cooldowns, fully melee rampaging rogue-styled build and easy to activate due to all the passives.
As for armor, go for leather. Weak against slashing but never mind that... You are going to dominate anyone at melee range. Your only weakness would be ranged nuker shooting you from far, and that is why you need gap closers.
With all parry, critical and evasion buff stacked and activated, go for kills quickly with all the gap closer kills.
Chain combos:
With Stalker's Mark
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > > > Wait for some skills to cooldown > > Repeat the same cycle
Without Stalker's Mark
> > > > > > > >
Use a quick whenever there is a chance to backstab to activate and
and are anti-CC skills to prevent you from getting lock down. can be used for aggressive or escape mechanism but I would personally play it as a escape combo to get out of battle with this chain
or > > if the situation is very unfavourable.
I hope I have covered almost every aspect which includes element of countering melee, range as well as a little bit of magic. Someone may suggest to learn Lasso, but I think its up to personal preference. I wouldn't go for Lasso since level 50 has not enough skill points for it, and already have Tiger Strike and Shadowstep for 20m gap closer. But its still a good skill, you can drag someone close to you and gangrape him instead of yourself rushing inside enemy group and getting gangraped. You could substitute for . But I would still prefer .
Feel free to leave a comment if there is any weakness in this build. Thank you.
As for armor, go for leather. Weak against slashing but never mind that... You are going to dominate anyone at melee range. Your only weakness would be ranged nuker shooting you from far, and that is why you need gap closers.
With all parry, critical and evasion buff stacked and activated, go for kills quickly with all the gap closer kills.
Chain combos:
With Stalker's Mark
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > > > Wait for some skills to cooldown > > Repeat the same cycle
Without Stalker's Mark
> > > > > > > >
Use a quick whenever there is a chance to backstab to activate and
and are anti-CC skills to prevent you from getting lock down. can be used for aggressive or escape mechanism but I would personally play it as a escape combo to get out of battle with this chain
or > > if the situation is very unfavourable.
I hope I have covered almost every aspect which includes element of countering melee, range as well as a little bit of magic. Someone may suggest to learn Lasso, but I think its up to personal preference. I wouldn't go for Lasso since level 50 has not enough skill points for it, and already have Tiger Strike and Shadowstep for 20m gap closer. But its still a good skill, you can drag someone close to you and gangrape him instead of yourself rushing inside enemy group and getting gangraped. You could substitute for . But I would still prefer .
Feel free to leave a comment if there is any weakness in this build. Thank you.
You said that this is "fully melee rampaging rogue-styled build ", so if this is fully melee, then why do u have stalker's mark? You can only use stalker's mark with a long range weapon so...why?
and also farming/grinding. updated.
yes its switchable depends whether what ur doing, ninjaing, pvp or dungeon. leech is a pretty good skill too... here i will update the latest build im using for most of the general usage - pvp, trade packing etc.
i'm enjoying this build, thanks for sharing it. Have you considered to change Wallop for Freerunner? i might try it
hey man, first of all thank you so much for your build, i like it very much, i have a question, which set do you recommend me for my darkrunner with your build lvl 50? do u prefer full plate or full leather, if you can explain to me whichone is better it would be awsome man :D