To those who haven't start tanking yet here's the basic rotation:
Before jumping in pump it up with ,,
Initiate with, then ,,,.
When you're being focused and your didn't reset with you should pop otherwise you can out and fish with your or until your rotation is ready again for a second clash.
The buidl is very tanky, with damage mitigation skills and I highly suggest buying the accessory that decreases damage received. Combined with , and you probably are safe backing down from attacks and will make you live longer.
Before jumping in pump it up with ,,
Initiate with, then ,,,.
When you're being focused and your didn't reset with you should pop otherwise you can out and fish with your or until your rotation is ready again for a second clash.
The buidl is very tanky, with damage mitigation skills and I highly suggest buying the accessory that decreases damage received. Combined with , and you probably are safe backing down from attacks and will make you live longer.
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