- 1. Introduction
- 2. Healing and combos
- 3. Caster Supporting and combos
- 4. Equipment and Gear
This Gypsy build is to be used as a off healer and supporting other Sorcery based casters. This is not a leveling guide and does require max level to take full advantage of the skills laid out. I will make a leveling guide in the future. I have found the gypsy to be a fairy decent solo build when going 1 vs 1-2 because of its healing capabilities. It does lack the damage needed to take on large groups alone. But paired up with another caster it can clear groups in a matter of secondsHealing and combos
The healing capabilities are fantastic with the build. It can keep a group of 5 up in dungeons with little to no mana problems.+
This combo increases the amount of Healing over time of Resurgence
This combo increases the amount healed by Mend
Casting Antithesis right after Mend will cause the Antithesis to cooldown faster because of the inspiration. This is great to be able to cast Antithesis on two targets who are taking more damage than usual.
The only way this combo is possible is with two healers in the group. This will grant both of the healers inspiration and will help with the cooldowns of the other spells.
Also a great healing combo to help with gaining inspiration.
When not using these combos you can also use while moving to get a quick group heal out. It is best to use this while very close to multiple group members to take full advantage of the bouncing heals. It is possible to waste the mana using this spell if the initial target is too far away from other group members. So be sure to use it on a member or your self that is close to others. You can also drop your in a heavy fighting area to keep a steady healing stream going for the group standing in it.
If you're not going to be attack supporting you can cast , , and to give a steady buff to the whole group. This can be used to up the Magic Defenses and Physical Defenses while also uping the damage and speed of the melee in the group. It will also give a steady healing to cancel out any light damage that may be received.
Makes for a great on the run emergency heal. It can be cast up to 5 times on the same target before going on cool down. It does need to travel to the target before healing. So take that into account before you start casting. Also makes for a great spell when you're need to help get the party member that is being attacked back up. It heals a small amount of damage that was dealt to it to help it heal back up.
Caster Supporting and combos
The Gypsy is not a full time healer even tho it does have good healing capabilities. When not being used as a healer, it makes a great Sorcery tree supporter.+
When the rest of the sorcerers are casting Flamebolt, you have several options on what you can be casting. Flamebolt being one if your other abilities are on cooldown. This will increase the damage of the other flamebolts to continue a combo effect.
When another sorcerer is casting a freezing arrow, get a flamebolt in to maximize their damage and create a combo for them. Same thing goes the other way. Cast when it is available and follow up with the Flamebolt to continue the combos. IF possible, cast freezing arrow when the other sorcerer is on cooldown to insure the combo does not drop off.
This combo may be tricky to pull off if the targets are moving around. By casting the Freezing arrow, you are lining up a huge combo and damage output by the other sorcerer. If mana allows you to, quickly follow up their Meteor with your own to help with damage output and a knockdown.
This is another large damage combo that does require you to attack first to insure that the other lands a higher combo.
needs to be dropped on the ground around other casters. It will help with the magic attack and crit standing in it.
makes good use to cloaking groups of people to be able to spring traps and ambush other groups of people.
I'm constantly updating this guide and changing things here and there. Any recommendations are welcome and your thought is appreciated.