- 1. Starting
- 2. Experiments and conclusions
This is a skill tree extremely focused on direct heals. I tried to focus on a reduction of casts and "saving" cures. I think the skills damage, mostly from sorcery tree can leave the independent character at times, with the most basic combo belonging to songcraft tree and unloading skills of sorcery then. I started with the vitalism tree, and selected in the order that is seen in the build. Currently, at level 35, I'm 15% reduction conjuration, using in 2.5 seconds!Experiments and conclusions
I started playing on the weekend days of September 20 and September 21. (I can only play on some weekends, but I quite enjoy the game.) The crowd control skills give independence ( , , combo ) to the character against solitary enemies, even causing critical damage of 1.2k. It is a quick healer as I predicted, I saved another player with about 5 ~ 10% of HP. But he is starting to show dependence as any support, perhaps others disables continue with the individuality of the character when you need to play alone.
I have -16% casting time, 2,8k heal easily, but is a bit tedious to kill one by one. I advise you to call a friend to accompany you, but you can still maintain independence ... I still try to level 50 alone.
any update on this build?
interesting take on support
seems to be cool
NOTE: Adapted to level 50 on September 27, 2014
Experiments and conclusions (Level 0 ~ 20):
I played this weekend for the first time (I only have praise for the game) and tested my Gypsy's build. The crowd control skills give independence to the character against solitary enemies, even causing critical damage of 1.2k. It is a quick healer as I predicted, I saved another player with about 5 ~ 10% of HP. But he is starting to show dependence as any support, perhaps others disables continue with the individuality of the character when you need to play alone.
( Experimentos e conclusões ( Nivel 0~20):
Joguei neste final de semana pela primeira vez (só tenho elogios ao jogo) e testei minha build de cigano. As habilidades de controle de multidão dão uma independência ao personagem contra inimigos solitarios, chegando a causar dano crÃtico de 1,2k. É um curador rápido como eu previa, salvei um outro jogador com aproximadamente 5~10% do HP. Mas ele já começa a demonstrar dependencia como qualquer suporte, talvez os outros desabilitadores continuem com a individualidade do personagem quando for preciso jogar sozinho. )