Shadowblade 1 vs 1 arena build battlerage
Guide by

- 1. Gear
- 2. Arena
- 3. Opponents
- 4. Update 1
Build description!GEAR
Heavy plate armor + sword / dagger duals
I'm compensating lack of m def from jewelly and these skills
[Strong points]
- Raping almost any enemy without witchcraft skill tree
- Lot of debuff and cc
- High parry rate
[Weak points]
- Lower mobility than darkrunners, sometimes it's hard to fight versus geared archers
- Bad time against tanks
!HOW TO ACTBefore even fight started you should buff yourself with - that will prevent you from getting sleep or feared conditions. - purge is gonna add bonus to magic resistance, but it's also a cancel of the enemy buff, so try not to use it on yourself if enemy got buffs like yourself, for example this one , in that case you will need a purge to cancell it before to use .
When enemy is at 30 meters, start using - giving you a parry rate , move speed and crit rate, without those buffs, you are pretty much useless, so if you fight is going too long try do disengage with a and to reset your cd's on your buffs. Finally use your always if you are fighting vs mages or tanks, but don't risk to use it if you fight vs another dps, cause you will not survive even a first cc.
is your everything , if it's parried or evaded, you will lose 21% as bonus damage and trip condition for the enemy , usually i wait untill enemy will do a first move to popup some defensive skill then i canceling it with and trying to land my + when enemy is close enough trying to land his skill im using to freze it at some moment and put this skill on cd.
Next skills are pretty common for dps players, it's
shadowsmite will disarm your oponent on 5 seconds , for that 5 seconds you can do a combo with to also silence him if hes a mage or continue with to trip him again.
- use that skill to short distance or to do a final damage when you are out of skills
- shadowstep can be used on yourself to gain +50% move speed , you you can short distance if you have a target
You need to know how to act vs different types of opponents.[TANK] - tha's your hardest pain in the ass. The only way to win vs tank is not to go faceroll. So when you do your usual combo
use + to disengage and wait till your combo is going to reset, then repeat with new engage.
[MAGES] - don't give those guys a chance, you have to break out of their bubble, do not use it to escape from this , if you are affected with that skill you can still use to move and any other skill if you are close enough. So the best tactics vs mage is to rush in and cc.
[ARCHERS] - another pain in your ass, since you are not darkrunner, you have less mobility, so it's very important to trigger to cancel the slow from first two skillshots, then use to short the distance. If you are fighting Stone Arrow, you should watch up for his buffs, whenever he's poping up shield skill - use your purge to cancel it.
[YOUR KIND] - you have big advantage vs darkrunners, you have more cc, it alows you to start your combo earlier and you better finish it from the first one. It's very important to cancel enemy's with your , you need to catch that moment cause it will give you a huge advantage.
Hope it will help you somehow to improve your fight style on arena and soz for bad english, GL
Update 1
Recently i bought this thing upgraded it to level 50 and regraded to heroic so far. Very good thing about this off hand dagger is that bleed making a combo with that skill and you are getting 37%!!!!! extra damage from it wich is very painfull.So my core combo updated to
Dagger bleed
Also it appears that not waking caster from sleep, he can only wake someone else, so keep an eye on this buff and rebuff it again if someone cancelled it.
Awesome insight on engage and matchups. Do you have any matchups, though, where you feel you need lassitude (sleep?) I like that you didn't take dropback as I find it more and more overated.
@VisionOverload no problem, ask me anything in comments if you have questions regarding a build
i like your build and guide thank you for sharing with the community!