Please note that this is purely theorycrafting. I saw working AoE Battlemages like this one but there is also a chance that it might not be as efficient as other class.
AoE Skills:
Single Target Skills:
Mana regeneration and panic button if you are 1vs1.
Lure monsters while setting them on fire. *evil laugh*
Reflects 50% of received damage. It's nice when group of monsters is hitting you.
Cooldown reduction, you can get something else.
Physical defense, who wouldn't want that?
Magic Attack and Magic Crit Rate, yes please.
More Health.
Rather weak heal over time, but i don't have better ideas.
Heal that isn't dependent on healing power, use at max mettle. Try not to rely on it though, 45 seconds cooldown makes it something like faster hp recovery after battle and not actual heal skill.
Block rate. Lasts 20 seconds. 60 seconds cooldown.
This thing gives you possibility to tank whole area once every 2 minutes. Or just save it untill you will really need it.
Passive Skills:
Crit Rate.
Crit Damage.
Crit Damage.
More mana.
Even more mana.
Crit Rate.
Block Rate.
Physical Defense.
, , , , lure monsters with ,
, , , , , , ,
if available. Everything should be dead by now but if it's not then use or
When you need mana and monsters are about to die use:
Use if you are pulling more monsters than you should:
Use if you are dying:
We will be using plate armor, scepter and a shield. Something like this:

50lvl build:

51lvl: Get
52lvl: Get
53lvl: Get
54lvl: Get
55lvl: Get
- Lack of defense from crowd control. (Can be fixed by dropping and taking )
- Rather huge mana problems.
AoE Skills:
Single Target Skills:
Mana regeneration and panic button if you are 1vs1.
Lure monsters while setting them on fire. *evil laugh*
Reflects 50% of received damage. It's nice when group of monsters is hitting you.
Cooldown reduction, you can get something else.
Physical defense, who wouldn't want that?
Magic Attack and Magic Crit Rate, yes please.
More Health.
Rather weak heal over time, but i don't have better ideas.
Heal that isn't dependent on healing power, use at max mettle. Try not to rely on it though, 45 seconds cooldown makes it something like faster hp recovery after battle and not actual heal skill.
Block rate. Lasts 20 seconds. 60 seconds cooldown.
This thing gives you possibility to tank whole area once every 2 minutes. Or just save it untill you will really need it.
Passive Skills:
Crit Rate.
Crit Damage.
Crit Damage.
More mana.
Even more mana.
Crit Rate.
Block Rate.
Physical Defense.
, , , , lure monsters with ,
, , , , , , ,
if available. Everything should be dead by now but if it's not then use or
When you need mana and monsters are about to die use:
Use if you are pulling more monsters than you should:
Use if you are dying:
We will be using plate armor, scepter and a shield. Something like this:

50lvl build:

51lvl: Get
52lvl: Get
53lvl: Get
54lvl: Get
55lvl: Get
- Lack of defense from crowd control. (Can be fixed by dropping and taking )
- Rather huge mana problems.
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