In Depth Death Warden, Unkillable-DPS -55 Morpheus defense
Guide by

- 1. Music is only necessary
- 2. Gear
- 3. Tips.
- 4. Main combos.
- 5. GUI setup.
- 6. Gear:
- 7. Edit:
Music is only necessary
Listen too this while browsing the guide!-Got the idea from a cleric guide ^^. Thanks and enjoy the guide.
The gear we will want is based around healing and defense since we are trying to out sustain our enemy. We will take a Shield/Obsidian shortspear with either Leather or Plate armor. Taking a obsidian shortspear is mandatory and if you dont the class is not even worth playing. We dont need alot of magic defense because we can just 1 shot them or heal through there damage.For stats on gear I suggest stacking stamina and spirit. Either or is completely fine, nearly any stat but agility are completely viable in this build.
Debuff/long range skill.1. So before you fight have ready, This skill has a 18 second cool-down but a 3 minute buff. This means you can use the skill on yourself and have the buff but still use the skill offensively for the massive damage increase.
2.Most people don't know this but the buff stacks with for a ridiculous +24% damage onto the enemy. That is insane for only 2 spells. If a Blighter has full plate he will have around -30% mitigation to physical damage. take 24% damage off that and his magic resistance and its almost hitting for true damage.
3.Keep your long range moves together. We only have as our long range skills so we use them to engage. It is much easier to engage if you can just shift click 123 and use all 3 spells then scrambling across the keys.
Vitalism tips.
1. Keep up at all times while fighting. This spell is just OP with mirrors light and a healing weapon. With decent health you will be healing about 120 health per second. This then combos with antithesis whenever you get low for very high heals.
2.use antithesis inbetween cooldowns. Your basic attacks don't do much out of combos so just use antithesis to heal yourself up.
Main Tips!
Keep your Mettle stacked! Mettle is the stuff that lets you stack from taking damage. The reason you need to keep it at 3000 (the max you can) is because consumes the amount you have for 100% damage and is one of our huge damage resources. You can stack mettle by letting a monster hit you while healing. Keep it at 3000 at all times.
This class is centered around regen! Do not forget to buy around a 1000 hardtack at the auction house for around a gold and keep consuming them before fights. We stack With potions. This healing gets to be ridiculous at some points but that's the point of the class.
Main combos.
Ok the combo is not too complicated as it is just 1 string of combos into some healing.To start this out you will want to into with and with for the 1.5 snare and damage increase and speed/ crit boost. Then into (make sure when you overwhelm to walk around and shadowsmite them in the back/) (this is a hard thing to do but once you do it enough you will get used too it.) Use to silence the enemy and knock him down so you can get some basic attacks in. Hit twice on his back. now use and since your have your mettle stacked you will use any debuffs if there up () then use . After this refresh . Just basic attack the enemy while regening. Once your out of cool-downs use into either or refresh and . We dont use Fervent healing here because its a instant cast we use it when we need it in a fight. To reengage do into because your blood-lust should still be stacked into and then rinse repeat the combo at the top.Also use mainly when your low and waiting for cool-downs.
is used after you have used boastful roar and its on cd but you have 3000 mettle. You can use this for a good boost in your healing.
GUI setup.
The main Gui setup we want to have is to generally make everything more accessible.
As I said above the ideals for gear are plate and leather but as you reach end game and farm more the style changes. We will want to go for epherium stone cloth, this is because with the combination of a fully socketed defense oriented set of gear you will be able to fully tank melees through a combination of outhealing there burst and insane block rate. This is a quite costly build but it is end game and it will make you godly, the main negative about this class when you wear plate is you have no cc break for mages and can easily get stomped by any cc oriented mage if you cant fully heal through their burst. This fixes this problem lategame because you will have so much magic resistance and then you will have defense to deal with melees.
This is the ideal gear setup lategame along with any unique equivalent shield. I recommend hasla if you are poor or obsidian if a little less poor.
New changes: Took out , Added in .Further changes: Fixed a few phrasing mistakes.
Wtf why so many changes: Removed and for and for a smoother mobility setup and more damage.
Major Revamp!: Redone the build, Trying to add a new image, Fixing all of the text in the guide and smoothing it out.
New picture out: Major revamp continues! May the mighty death warden see the light of pvp!
Major updaterino!, level 55 skills revamped and ready for the new server merge.
@Nerevarin I use Shadow Mastery because since you have so much dps you can constantly stack bloodthirst and don't need immediate burst. 2, Revitalzing cheer can insta heal 1/4 of your hp, and toughen is the worst ability in the game sadly. It is only used building mettle, so its not worth the point. Hardtack do x10 toughen
Hey, first of all great guide, I use it to nonstop farm and Tank dungeons. I have 2 questions thought:
1. Why Shadow Mastery over Bloodthirst Intensified and
2. why Revitalzing Cheers over Toughen (since the build is based on HoTs)
Thanks, keep up the good work
How are you suppose to go club/shield when obsidian shortspear is mandatory?
What about Obsidian plate t4 v2? much sta, less str...
@Grizzlore right now for morpheuses current state I would take plate. I dont think there is big enough difference to switch your entire setup, but Plate overall is more helpful since this server is dominated by abolishers and darkrunners.