[LEVEL 55] --{ Daggerspell }-- GOD MODE 1v1/2/3 dps
Guide by

- 2. About
- 3. How2Play
- 4. Spells
- 5. Leveling
- 6. LEVEL 55
- 7. 1v1
- 8. 5v5
- 9. PvE LVL 55
- 10. Raid LVL 55
- 11. Siege
- 12. StrategyVS
- 13. Gear
- 14. Theorycrafting
- 15. Keybindings
- 16. Videos
- 17. QNA

NA/EU Alpha Version of 'Hermit' is now called 'Daggerspell' - Due to the amount of CC and Burst the build has if played right it can be unkillable in 1v1 1v2 1v3 situations. It is heavily dependent on your fast tab targeting skills and fast CC combo chaining vs multiple opponents. It is perhaps tho one of the most fun builds to play once mastered. It's best used in PvP mainly but also works for Quick Leveling and even PvE / Dungeons / Raids with emphasis on crowd control, dps and protecting the healer.Pros / Cons
- You have insane amounts of burst damage, at your disposal.
Good at handling multiple players at the same time
You annihilate other caster builds, and squishies
Fast paced combat movement to avoid or initiate
Can AoE nuke from stealth vs Zergs / Multiple players
The ability to keep safe distance from melee and lock them down from afar
Tons of Crowd Control at your disposal (more so than most builds) - stun, sleep, fear, slow, knockdown, silence, root and disarm
- Can take a while to get used to the many CC combos the build has
Takes practise to learn when to use certain spells in certain situations
Fairly long cast times
Can be very squishy at times if in the wrong position
Can be Mana intensive at times

and it's uses:

and it's uses:
- Other than the powerful combo above you can use it when people try to get away/flee since its instant it will finish them off.

and it's uses:

- Buff , , Physical Defence, Mdef + fear/sleep immune
Engaging [1v3+]--> + One of the most powerful engages vs groups and zergs
Engaging [1v1] -->+ Re-Stealth to get opponent to waste valuable cooldowns
Engaging [1v1/2/3]--> + Stun one and initiate with knockdown.
Next Great for damage + root
Use + For the instant fireball cast + avoid <3
Opener [1v3+]--> + AoE extended fear great vs grouped up opponents
Opener [1v1/2+]--> + Extended solo fear
Opener [vs ALL]-->/ + then cast Great combo vs all (dmg+bubble then slow cast lightning)
Finisher + Extra 30% damage combo great for finishing off
Next its basically just continuing stealth combos and keeping + up on the targets so you can take advantage of the dot damage if they are still alive. The above rotation is just a basic structure, you can do whatever combos you feel is needed in the situation.
Other spells and their general use
- Great vs more than 1 opponent or to knockback that melee that just won't stop stabbing your ass ^_^
- Use vs Groups or when people try to get away/flee since its instant it will finish them off
- Shadowstep use as a gap closer combined with plunge to put pressure on any enemy or use as an escape skill.
- A spell you might use a lot if all cc abilities are on cd - Stun + Dmg if broken
Cleanse enemy's defensive/shield buff or a harmful spell, it's a must have for pvp since you can combo silence after shadowsmite
+ - Long sleep combo great for using vs healers or avoiding counter spell attacks
Trion are finally getting around to releasing level 55 in February! Level 55 update is where Archeage classes come alive and the game officially starts. Most likely we will see spellsingers becoming the hardest hitting class in the game due to zeal + gods whip. BUT daggerspell will still remain the king of roam/solo/1v3/arena as a mage build. Arcanist, Spellsingers & Revenant will pull slightly ahead of daggerspell for raid group and siege play still with even greater aoe bombing capability, anti cc and sustain. I for one am extremely excited as I think a lot of people will be back with the new patch and class balances.
With level 55 comes the beautiful oh so sleek new skill Every mage since launch has drooled and wished for the patch day to come just to use this skill vs zergs or groups. I miss the days I played on korea with Gene Megu (we invented most of the lvl 50/55 mainstream Hermit aka daggerspell builds you see today) melting faces and zergs with an overcharged bomb combo engage. x3
You see has a 30m range with an effect range of 6m around the player you target. It has an INSTA cast and can be recasted 5 times in a row before it goes on CD. Consecutive attacks deal a ton more damage but will burn you mana. Definitely be cautious of your mana and pre mana food/mana pot before use if you know you will be using it a lot in an engage. Its damage is very similiar to meteors without the trip but allowing a daggerspell or mage to dish out fast rotations weaving PERFECTLY since the spell can be cast while on the move. Making it even more aggresive in a daggerspells arsenal.
With the lvl 55 Daggerspell build above comes - Once Hellkissed Obsidian Katana or the new 1.7 int daggers are available in game will become even more powerful due to the increase in melee damage that you will obtain. is fantastic for ricocheting like chain lightning but with the added CC effect that the daggers do. This allows you to pull out more rotations on the effected targets thanks to the slows. In essence will be used as a standard bread and butter starting ability vs zergs or groups (Skullnights and melee in general will hate you).
With more points comes the ability to use because this is a solo/roaming build more so than a group raid build we want our witchcraft CC abilities and skills to be able to cycled faster with shorter cd's so we can lockdown more opponents. into on a shorter cooldown allows more sustain vs heavy hitters or to be used as a starter and a finisher in a combo sequence since the cd will be slightly less.
PvE LVL 55

So your level 55 and your wondering why you need all that extra CC from conjury/witchcraft in your build for PvE? No need to worry or change to a different tree and have to re-level it. You can use the below build for PvE Dungeons and Raid instances (Serpentis, Sea of Drowned Love, Red Dragon) and still be competitive on the dps with incredible mana efficiency. With + + + you can go full out on dps (depending on threat) and still maintain impressive mana pool. (therefore more uptime and damage done).
Depending on the PvE Encounter you will be probably swapping in wings for damage reduction so will no doubt playing Arcanist for that. But I find on most encounters where a lot of movement is needed ,+ , + to be invaluable for moving around and maintaining dps uptime on the boss. Swap in + if a boss requires more single target dps needed (no adds)
Basic PvE rotation would be > > > > > HOLD down for 2 hits > > HOLD down for x5 's > x5 > then repeat

Raid LVL 55

> > > > > x3 > > > > > > ( Only if safe to cast) > + x5 > >
Above AoE bombing rotation is more or less a guaranteed kill in group pvp with the below build vs zergs (Less single target cc and slows for increase in cast time, aoe, spell power and suppression compared to main roaming solo build)


*Note* - The guide is a work in progress, Recommended Stats/Gear, Combo Tricks and everything
to do with Daggerspell aka Hermit all coming soon (8 months wealth of knowledge playing Hermit ;)
Currently Playing on Dahuta West EU server, so add me and i'll be happy to help since i'm online 24/7
Don't forget to 'Thumbs up' or 'comment' if you like the guide and build, It's definitely one of my favourites
arthas123, bazaconi, KKillroyV2, DovahVess, PrimeModel, Invidious, camouflage, Klaus, GenAccident, Baphometh, afknusername, satomu, Thleats, sinistral, Flashgott, NinjaWeeh, Natural, FaroreOfDoom, nataortiz, Kos, NotAneu, Vathal, Ballantin, shadowkidz, spikeboss, bielle, Alyeis, Lastlegend, Nations, Attoy, Sylphy, AleXiC94, Bazzan, mahalo1234, pedroanjos, Baconstrips, Gronax, SpartanRoby, Sunnysid, RagePrimeEu, avengerx, chocolateman327, Tananna, Rockstar, SappyKoala, Ninde, Arcanixus, Weed, Magic65, Redscorpion, ASxRichter, Krakkylol, Arturius, Fairen, addera, SpiroDiscoBall, mergatroid, Naiu, slipperylube, MasterHowl, Dusty, SimplyLeet, BeethovenFM, LordOE, flameskin2011, Slayphin, Shuray, CainIsh, Nasa, zoltar227, MrCocaCola, faldska, Metaldehyde, CroxtheMight, Mallaka, Rhaizo, belfrysol, Nixeowar, Soulbreeder, Cach, Darksiderz, Onishikyu, dman1990m, Safraah, Starmax, tris2n, Cirrix, Oruein, jeffy90, stanley01, nasclmento, megasxlr21, sentus12, Kyo, prokingz, risika87, mbelholm, Ykavi, Screepy, Ellytreb, ReOwnz3, Milozor, hublaz, schamano95, zmdeck, auxois, Crystallize, Paetro, Noctzy, Zazz88, Nolanryan, ThiagoScala, masterhicko, Doomcrag, Haksanlulz, compwitch, Amaz, Bigsnbou, 3py0n, Bruni, Froobert, Vamcan, Ryuujin, StigmaStamp, Nehemia, walila, Yelkao, K3rc1, tcortes98, SecretPancake, Soraji, peXu, cardonet, Hustle, Icekiro, aeKramer, Arakuma, flowki, Kidon, Therion, kalr123, camikazee, Nayaga, BMal1019, Roth991, kuranmdt, knyght, Cinder, Skadi, Damocles, MissTsuki, TheWishMistress, Gearrex75, flipnoodle, Willion, Lorghon, Gardeni, yalania, esperavi, JJMaihem, Calaquendi, n00dz, DamenBlack, Zuiq, shim, Skar, Arachis, sonic5202, Quickmix, Shoe, StinkyFatShit, barracudajones, Tius, KingKazma, DeMoSoul, jabel, Hardstyle, om2r, Keekz, Arcadia, Rhonon, jameswastaken, garciawell, Krilia, Leekhero, Pryne, SleepsOnRoofs, FThompson, Aelos, MoSa, pezao, ArvarenHUN, Jupitor, ydeirt, DeathMaster, Roann, Athoz, Pit, EpicJew, Dorrian, Uorokku, DazzledDream, Lotharl, Cucumantr, xYSGB, Mercury, Kelex, PhreakOut, ryuness, Vaas, DaBeijingKing, QuaidPanda, erde, JustinRampage, dtroner, Nekr4ge, Puppynomnom, Entityofsin, fiarwizord, Gamerub, Ghuton, EarlyGame, Sarvantus
@baphometh what guide you talking about? spellsinger?
@Draiven, seems the guide is dead. Been waiting for the gear part too but probably will be switching to SS guide...
So...when is that gear section coming out? Been waiting for it for a bit now.
Just wondering why you aren't using Magic Precision and Aranzeb's Infusion? I've been playing daggerspell since I started the game almost a year ago. I still suck at the pvp part of it. I think partly cause I don't know what all the other classes use to combat my abilities and partly because I'm not super fast on the keybinds.
Loved the guide, can't wait for the gear part!