Korean Jesus Sexblade Guide By Seoul battlerage
Guide by

- 1. Seoul Introduction
- 2. Weapon & Gear
- 3. Lunagems & Lunafrosts
- 4. Combos & Rotations
- 5. Questions & Answers
Seoul Introduction
My name is Seoul also known as Sokoseoul. I have been playing Hexblade about for almost 4 to 5 years during Korean Version Archeage and Alpha NA Version Archeage. I'm bringing you first hand my first Guide to the Sexblade Life. I hope you learn something here today and hope it brings all the Hexblade's together to unite and dominate all sides of the World in Archeage. I will be rooting for you all. May my mentoring & guide show you the True ways of Hexblade. LETS GO!!!(Guide will not be updated daily) Sorry and hope you guys kick ass

Hexblade Pro's & Cons
[PROS]Weapon & Gear
Weapons are all preference(There are no such thing as Best). The weapon choice's you could choose are the following:[SWORDS] When receiving damage there is a chance to parry next attack
Life Sword
Earth Sword
Desert Sword
Stone Sword
[KATANAS] When inflicting damage there is a chance that next attack will hit critically
Obsidian Katana V1
[SHORTSPEAR] When inflicting damage there is chance to ignore enemies Physical defense
Earth Shortspear
[SCEPTER] When inflicting magic damage there is chance to heal yourself on certain amount of HP
Life Scepter
Earth Scepter
Stone Scepter
[CLUB] When inflicting damage there is chance to stun enemy on 1.5 sec
Flame One-Handed Club
Meteor One-Handed Club
[AXE] When inflicting damage there is chance to cause bleeding on 14 sec
Desert One-Handed Axe
Earth One-Handed Axe
Flame One-Handed Axe
[SHIELDS] Shields can be used only with one-handed or right-handed weapons. It blocks ranged and melee Physical damage. Shields give bonus stats to only Intellect, Strength and/or Stamina.
Desert Shield
Earth Shield
Kraken Shield
Anticipation Shield
Mystic Ward
Serpentis Shield
Thorned Justice Bow
Obsidian Bow V1
Flame Bow
Anthem of Battlerage
Obsidian Flute
Flame Flute
Earth Flute
Desert Flute
Gears are all preference(There are no such thing as Best). The Gear choice's you could choose are the following:[PLATE ARMOR] Increases Defense +3% and max health +5%. Also decreases duration of Stun and Shackle -20%.
Obsidian Helm
Obsidian Chest
Obsidian Gloves
Obsidian Pants
Obsidian Boots
Auroria Savage Belt
Auroria Savage Bracer
[LEATHER ARMOR] Increases Attack Speed* and Evasion +3%, bow skill range +3m, and Melee/Ranged Citical Rates +5%. Also decreases duration of Trip -20%
4/7 Earth Leather Set + 3/7 Flame Leather Set
4/7 Flame Leather Set + 3/7 Obsidian Leather Set
[CLOTH ARMOR] Cast time reduced by 4%. Chance to interrupt casting when hit by an enemy is reduced by 50%. Magical damage increased by 5%. The duration of the effects of control reduced by 30%.
7/7 Stone Cloth Set
Along a Wandering Wind Very useful against Casters and Mobility classes
Disgraceful Fall Used against Melee Classes
Lightning Necklace
Flame Necklace
Proven Warrior Necklace
Wave Earrings
Dream Ring
Life Ring
Gale Ring
Honor's Mighty Frenzied Nodachi
Lunagems & Lunafrosts
[Weapon][/color]One-Handed Weapon
Melee Skill Damage % Increase
Shield Block Rate &
2.0% Block
Melee Attack # Increase
Ranged Attack # Increase
Melee Attack # Increase
3.0 Melee Attack
Magic Defense
3.0% Recieve Damage Decrease
Magic Defense
Magic Defense
Melee Parry Rate % Increase
Melee Critical Damage % Increase
Magic Defense
Move Speed % Increase
Move Speed % Increase
Combos & Rotations
The Basic Idea Combo'sTrip Combo
Distress Combo
+ + +
Silence & Shackle Combo
Fear Sleep Combo
+ +
+ +
Purge Buff Combo
Something to Remember, make these a habit
- Use this very wisely. Only when you really need it
- Look at Battle Focus as a Offensive Buff than a Defensive buff
- Keep this up at all times. I don't mean Spam it when its always up
- Use this only on enemies to lock them down & Purge buff (Never Purge YOURSELF)
- Use this for distress not for damage save your Mettle's for
Use if you need it
Use as a Offensive to bait and hit or Defensively to get out of a tight situation than back into the fight
[FULL Rotation Table]
When going against another witchcraft class use or let them come to you than + (if you successfully purge there ) + + (If you don't do either one of these combos) + + + + + + + + + + OR + + + + + + + + +
Special Thanks to EarlyGames. Much love and respect to you.
@Strobenga I would be happy to help you understand how to match up against those classes. I twitch.tv/sokoseoul stream normally around mon-saturday around 9am EST to 5pm EST normally longer but come check me out and ask me there and i will be happy to help.
Hello Seoul, can u put some match ups on ur guide, pls? How to play against DR, Enigmatist, StoneArrows, Abolisher, for exemple.
Hi Seoul, 1st i am sorry about my bad english.
I really need your help about the BUILD for me + my wife.
We both level 32 and we following this build
with that 2 build, my wife is a pure healer, her attack very low, and my attack also not fast + high enought.
- More info about our build:
+ My wife ( Cleric ) use cloth equip + great club weapon, focus on Spirit stats.
+ My ( Hexblade ) use plate equip + shield + sword, focus on Streng stats.
- I dont want to replace SKILL SET ( lazy to level new skill set ).
* Can u help us fix our builds plz ?, we want to fast PVE + Leveling, we alway go together.
Waitting for your help !!!
Thanks !!!