- 1. Gear of GOD
- 2. Tips to become a GOD :
- 3. Thanks to:
- 4. Bonus :)
Gear of GOD
Our God is based on what?
Simple, is based around healing and defense.
Why not Defense and Damage?
Because we want out sustain our opponent.
Okay, so what should we use to work as a god?
We most use Sheild & Club with either Leather armor. Like I said before, we are based on HEALING, so Club is MANDATORY !
Hmmm, So we dont need a lot of Magic Defense? Just saying, because a lot of people use Magic Damage.
True, a lot of people use Magic Damage but ...
... we dont need a lot of magic defense because we have our GOD HEAL and we in mostly of the times we can 1 shot them. So simple as that.
Tips to become a GOD :
How to Fight:
The best way to Engage:
(The is VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT, Increase your Healing 15%)
Ranged Combo:
The Fast Stun:
The long Stun:
Melee Full DPS:
Insane Heal here! Quick Tip:
Your Welcome ! :D
You mustn't forget this VERY IMPORTANT TIP:
Mettle! Sounds familary?!
Keep your Mettle Stacked, The reason is because your consumes the amount you have for 100% ! This damage is INSANE!
Mettle have a max stack?
Yes sir, Max stack is 3000.
Qucik Tip:
You can stack mettle by letting a monster hit you while healing.
Thanks to:
- Zerkk (The most noob I ever meet) <3- Kaliista (My favorite Healer/Support)
Feel free to ask :)
- I only update if someone change (new patch or when I change my mind)