How to make other players litterally run away crying salty tears
Gear- cloth lake or stone,lake is better suited and a lake scepter the more stamina you have with this build the better as you are a tank and need hp. Ive tried this build with lake plate and its just not that great and have much more success with cloth.This build has 1 million and 1 cc's people will flame you as soon as they see you its awesome i love those salty tears, This build works best in the arena 5v5s and if played even half decently you will win unless your against a team full of dream-breakers or pesky primevals.
The combos i usually use are banshees into hell spears,shield slam into bullrush purge boastful roar into focal concussion lasstitude into enervate mudhand to get some hp back and if there not dead throw some water at them and they will be,i use mana stars as a filler you can interchange it ,in our group there's 3 dreambreakers and a few defilers and we all have different builds but i feel mana stars will steal you a few kills for sure,i just hope occultism gets a boast as its pretty lacklustre apart from the hellspears at the moment.
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