PVP low damage high survivability tank battlerage
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Reasons for this build
This build i feel gives you much more options than abolisher in terms of cc ing the opponents and disrupting various fights so you can cover you group in many different waysyou can either wear cloth or plate depending on what your against i keep mine two sets in hot bars so i can switch it easily,gear does matter in this game the serpentis gear for plate armour will be just fine for this build i have 3 out of 7 pieces serpentis and 4 auroria plate i also use heroic mag cloth when im against other clothys which are few and far between on our server as most are melee dps. If i find myself against mainly plate ill use a scepter and shield but if im against cloth ill switch to sword,you can also use the honor nodachi for the extra burst and switch back quickly but ive not tried it and ill be giving it a go in the future but thats more for arena if you want an arena build i would remove some of the defence passives and move a few into witchcraft to augment witchcraft as this will be your main damage and heal in arena with the fear enervate mudhand combo into shield smash bullrush boastful roar or purge if you want to shackle and get back to a safer postion then into the normal melee rotation of charge triple slash then move towards their back for a finishing precision strike
Dont expect to be chopping people left and right and going on a major killing spree with this build but you will be able to tank alot of damage and keep your damage dealers safe if you like being the brick wall give this build a try
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