Level 55 - Dancing Blade Person battlerage
Guide by

- 1. Intro
- 2. Gear
- 3. Things to do when to do how to do
- 4. Weaknesses
- 5. End
That one build that sounds good looks good but afraid to try out well theres no need to fear cause im here to spread the word of the Blade Dancer.Gear
Two Words Katanas and Leatherthese two things make a blade dancer a blade dancer and mostly focus on agility for the heavy crits and no nothing like a darkrunner because i dont exactly focus on one shoting my target but to support my team around me by killing the people who know what there doing, it makes no sense but bear with me....the best CC is death...
Things to do when to do how to do
You should know by now to go on the murder spree or should i say "dish out hard CC" i would open with (large groups BTW sense world and 5v5 pvp build) then this would be the most effective opener against a large group of people mostly cause building up damage when you get attacked and such so be sure to get hit first.Now 1v1 situations well same stuff arena world ddoes'nt matter but if you would like a diffrent approach into a good ol then some if there not dead (cough fudging paladins, abolishers, blighters) then everything will be back up for round two.
TANKS those damn monsters taking all your damage leaveing you to run away in fear waiting for some magic user to put it to sleep i know how it feels trust me there a pain in the ars if your running Blade Dancer but what can you do about it.Well to be honest i always run away from them they scare me sense im a supporting Dancer of blades,End
Sorry for the long typing been thinking about this build for awhile but anyway hope you all enjoy and use it sometime again its a SUPPORT build so always run out with a team (my mates a paladin i hate paladins)ENJOY!!!! :).
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