2Handed Blighter battlerage
Guide by

Great 1vs1 agaisnt all classes
Great Burst Damage
Great Breaks
First blood
Hardly Any CC
Hardly Any manoeuvrability
No Stun/Sleap/Fear immunities
2Handed weapon is simply the cheapest method to go, where getting the obsidian nodachi to divine and then upgrading it to tier 4 melee based one is the way to go. If you prefer duel wield, then pick ones for good damage and melee stats, maybe obsidian swords for health.
This is where i need help. There are 2 armor sets that fit in well here.
1. Armor set takes into account of using obsidian armour mixes from leather, plate and cloth to get solo bonuses that add and stack up nicely making you an all rounder.
2. Serp leather armor has nice lvl 2 and lvl 3 set bonuses that work well with this class.
Why is it better than a shadowblade and a darkrunner?
It does similar damage as them, all that a darkrunner has over this is the 8% attackspeed from thwart. However, it gets around 2k extra life with 1k extra defence on magic and physical with an instant 3k heal when using imprison, gives you much more survivability. The best part is, your not trading it for damage. or sustain.
Buffup - refreshment + toughen
1. Pop freerun
2. Stalkers Mark, Overwhelm, Battlefocus, Shadowsmite, Precision strike, Charge, Triple Slash, Tiger Strike
3. Invincibility
4. Stealth
5. Imprison + Revitilising Cheer
6. Behind enemy lines, backdrop, throw dagger.
You need to use your logic on when to engage with combo [2], normally using [6] procks people to use their defensive or cc skills like redoubt or fears, in which you try to proc [3] / [5] depending on the situation. I will bring more to this later, lemme just get more experience with this build.
Ill keep on editing this guide
Great 1vs1 agaisnt all classes
Great Burst Damage
Great Breaks
First blood
Hardly Any CC
Hardly Any manoeuvrability
No Stun/Sleap/Fear immunities
2Handed weapon is simply the cheapest method to go, where getting the obsidian nodachi to divine and then upgrading it to tier 4 melee based one is the way to go. If you prefer duel wield, then pick ones for good damage and melee stats, maybe obsidian swords for health.
This is where i need help. There are 2 armor sets that fit in well here.
1. Armor set takes into account of using obsidian armour mixes from leather, plate and cloth to get solo bonuses that add and stack up nicely making you an all rounder.
2. Serp leather armor has nice lvl 2 and lvl 3 set bonuses that work well with this class.
Why is it better than a shadowblade and a darkrunner?
It does similar damage as them, all that a darkrunner has over this is the 8% attackspeed from thwart. However, it gets around 2k extra life with 1k extra defence on magic and physical with an instant 3k heal when using imprison, gives you much more survivability. The best part is, your not trading it for damage. or sustain.
Buffup - refreshment + toughen
1. Pop freerun
2. Stalkers Mark, Overwhelm, Battlefocus, Shadowsmite, Precision strike, Charge, Triple Slash, Tiger Strike
3. Invincibility
4. Stealth
5. Imprison + Revitilising Cheer
6. Behind enemy lines, backdrop, throw dagger.
You need to use your logic on when to engage with combo [2], normally using [6] procks people to use their defensive or cc skills like redoubt or fears, in which you try to proc [3] / [5] depending on the situation. I will bring more to this later, lemme just get more experience with this build.
Ill keep on editing this guide
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