Oxen~ tons of DAMAGE ~ Outrider [guide + video] archery
Guide by

- 1. Introduction
- 2. Outrider? what is it?!
- 3. Video
- 4. Skills & Combos
- 5. Updates
- 6. Tips & Tricks
Hi everyone!here is my guide for an awesome damage dealer Outrider.
From time to time I will make this guide bigger by puting updates and my videos - so sorry for lack of this right now :)
Outirder was fun as hell, until you got tripped, then you were fcked...
Welcome Oxen
I started playing in AA, I create a form Outraider'a according to this method.
I really appreciate this class.
Also, I'm looking forward to the update
I greet you
Well.. you know what? I said nothing xD Just need to do the combos in the right order, then i can deal something like 8k dmg in less than 5 sec
Well... still not lvl 50, but at lvl 35 this class is not that good, Do a pretty good amount of dmg in a short period, but after that. And I don't know if this is the same for you, but this class make me feel like if my armor was in paper... really
Where is the updates?