Abolisher - a build for a fun PVE experience auramancy
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- 1. Skip this if your not interested - Gameplay Experience
- 2. Abolisher what can it do solo in PVE & PvP?
- 3. Reacting to Gankers
- 4. Abolisher, know your weaknesses, strengths and tactics
- 5. Gear
- 6. Favorite Skill combo's
Skip this if your not interested - Gameplay Experience
Hi I am called 'Troll' on the Rangora server, EU. Others knew me as godly on the old nui server, I ran Conspiracy Theory, helped new players learn the game, it was fun. Played since 2014.I have been playing archeage since release and have always been a magic user with witchcraft and defence, which In my opinion, no matter how they nerf witchcraft it is just OP.
I decided to give abolisher a go because I like being tanky, but have never done melee. I have never been a fan of melee, and in my oppinion I have always looked at them and thought god that must be boring.
Boy was I wrong. Abolisher is damn fun to play and a really good tank. I was lvl35 and killing lvl 54 mobs in Golden ruins and levelled up from there on the nui server, that was before the patch causing you not to be able to kill mobs 11 levels higher than yourself.
I decided to start fresh and went to the new Rangora server, deleting my old character and selling everything to get lots of apex, to make gearing a bit easier.
Abolisher what can it do solo in PVE & PvP?
It can solo HF and BC at 2700 Equipment Points before, at 3.1k you can do HA with a +1 player at 2500 Equipment Points.I Currently use tier 1 unique leather obsidian gear + 2 pieces aurorian gear.
All other equipment is basically obsidian except for accessories and bow. Sword and shield unique
(Unique T1 obsidian set since 25/10/2015)
So what can i do currently on my own?
Well I can Solo dungeons up to HA with no stat, but need pots for health.
I can take down quite a few low level world bosses solo. (Captured Farkrag the wanderer quite comfortably)
When in PVE I usually take , until I get a monstrous desire scepter. The mana just means I can keep going without having to stop for regen and it saves me a lot of gold i would have spent on mana potting.
Then I will most likely switch these skills for pvp: , for ,
Reacting to Gankers
I go round with my finger always ready to pop these:->
I usually use shrug it off first because most first attacks are usually stuns from gankers.
While invincible assess what is attacking you, how many there are, and what class or classes they are, then figure out how to respond in the most appropriate way, fight or flight basically.
Not saying I always win fights you have to be realistic, but I give them a good long fight, I am not a pro player, just a casual player and have won against 2 players
Abolisher, know your weaknesses, strengths and tactics
Skill reset proc resets are good, so i rarely run out of skills to use.CC's don't seem to bad in group pvp because of bad teamwork from most opponents which means cc's get cancelled out, this class is very vulnerable to cc's in 1v1.
Moderately mobile, I mimic Darkrunner combat. The skills on my build are preference for me though and I think is cheese and makes pvp way to easy to win, but I am not going to say don't use it and 'you must use these'.
In a Group fight my rule of thumb is to always take down mages first, They will hit you the hardest.
Fighting a Templar:
Tricky opponent in 1v1 and pretty impossible to beat one in 1v1+.
Get out a very geared pet, have it attack and use basic attack for yourself, You must save mana.
Main skill when fighting is:
and if they begin to come close to you, use:
If they have a pet, kill it fast.
Save interrupt skills for when they heal.
If you manage to get a templar down to 50% health, then burst him and cross your fingers you deal enough
Stick to this and you will either draw or win the duel.
My pet is Farkrag the wanderer in delphinad divine gear and can beat library mobs very easily, just to put it into perspective.
Full obsidian leather, because I am not trying to go Ayanad.Auroria belt and wrist bands (because I am cheap and they have some alright effects)
I aim to cap everything at divine/epic, and in the long run aim for higher. Dont plan to be a dual wield master card warrior, but if i ever manage to get past divine, I will need something to work towards which will be epic+
Weapon of choice is obvious.
Obsidian sword due to the insane crit effect and it parries, making it better than a katana for critting.
Obsidian shield for now, eventually Ayanad shield of any type.
Obsidian Lute = extra magic defence.
Obsidian bow = just because it is their.
Favorite Skill combo's
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