TankKnight *Skullknight* anti-cc
Guide by

- 1. Why
- 2. Armor
- 3. Weapons
- 4. Combos
This build if for the people that want to be more tanks in open world pvp. It has a ton of CC and a ton of anti CC. This will pretty much make you the CC god in every fight.Also keep in mind i have never liked . If you want to get this get it. you can replace and it might seem like a good idea but its not always. It makes you use more mana (use skills faster) and it only changes Occultism skills. It does add more cc over time though. Youre probably not going to use those skills that many times that fast anyways. Let your team handle the rest. You are here to do little CC ever once in a while but make it look good. Dont need to be everywhere at all times. cause you cant.
With this you want to get something that is tanky yet cloth (for the cloth passive)With me id prefer something like stone or obs armor.
Stone gives you some nice pdef at the same time its cloth so it gives mdef too.
Obs gives you just all around goodness. if you like to fall in like with everyone else you can go this way.
(lake is also good for the intel and stam, you are a little less tanky but you get more health and the faster you kill the enemies the less damage you take, you might want your CCs to sting while they are going off.
Like any other skullknight you should go for a obs scepter and obs shield.The scepter is because all other scepters dont really add anything for you. you can get one with more stam but its not really worth it.
The Obs shield is good because it gives some good pdef.
(dont need a katana because all skullknights are 100% instacast)
The combo for this build is easy to do and works well in 9/10 battles. (assuming you arent out geared/out numberd by too much.Prefight:
First you want to pop some anti CCs start with before the fight. You might get focused and CC out of your teleports and it can end you fast. Also pop a with redobt a second before you go in. This increases your magical def so when you get hit with those whips you dont get ded fast. Pop a if you begin to take too much magical damage.
When you are ready to go in you wanna start with the . Although this isnt always needed, if you dont have it up and you are ready to go in just walk in really easy. The next combos are the same for ever. to pull em in and to combo, if you have some friends close to you who can heal or help -> if not dont do it. Wait till you do have someone around. Skip the knockdown since it hits 1 person and go straight to the to stop everyone from being a pain. You will probably get focused hard at this time if you do you can either go straight to or into .
Something you can add in is a in your imprison. This pushes them away from you so they cant target you instantly. Go straight to afterwards.
The other skills:
The other skills that you dont use are for the single fights. At somepoint you will be left out alone and needing to solo someone yourself. This is where your comes in handy. Your CCs will be enough to take down any foe.
If they have Sorcery expect a deepfreeze. Counter with a . USE BEFORE THE FREEZE IN MOST CASES. Do not wait till you are frozen to pop shrug. It could be too late.
if they have Occultism pop a when ever they get close, Hellspears is the 1st attack they are gonna use.
If they have Withcraft or Occultism (or any silence really) pop a before you go in. if you get silenced you are dead, prolly.
Play smart and CC hard. If you can focus 1 person more at a time. Dont think of it as a group pvp, think of it as a 1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1... They are all your enemy
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