Farming Revenant PvE Guide 3.0 (In-Depth) 3.0
Guide by

- 1. Introduction
- 2. Spells
- 3. Combos
- 4. Gear
- 5. Lunagems, Lunadrops, Lunafrosts and Accessories
- 6. End Note
So my name is Bootydestroyer, i play on Shatigon EU server and have been playing the game for only 2 months or so. I made this guide for myself to remember what spells i have to use when i would be farming for purses or anything. With the mass amount of views i got i decided to change the "(Only Skill Points)" title to a PvE guide with some text and information for you guys. The spells i use are to me the best for mass farming but feel free to change anything for your own desire and playstyle. And don't forget to THUMBS UP this guide if you liked it. It would help me out a lot and keeps me motivated to make more amazing guides for you guys! Feel free to ask any questions about the guide, i will try to answer as soon as possible.Spells
Lets begin with the Occultism spells:This speaks for itself, i use this to pull 4-8 mobs depending on their health and any crowd control they have.
This is a very nice multi target spell which i use to deal damage over time to the mobs.
An AOE spell which i use for the main farming combo. (I will go in the combo's later on)
When there is only one mob left and i need some health back, this is a nice spell to sustain yourself.
Combo with
I used to use this to farm but later on changed it with since most of the time i farm on Auroria or library where the mobs sometimes deal magic damage.
An overtime AOE damage spell i use when the main combo just didn't deal enough damage to finish the mobs off.
Lets go on with Sorcery:
A must on any farming builds which use sorcery, very nice permanent shield for the many mobs who will deal damage to you. It also gives a nice physical defense buff while the shield is on to tank more damage.
This spell is used in the main combo with and .
This is the second combo i use when the first combo is still on cooldown. It is not very reliable but deals a good amount of damage.
Use this spell after the to trigger the combo.
Use this after you pulled all the mobs close to you. After that just stand in the circle and use your combo's to deal more damage.
This is used in the main combo with , and which i will explain later.
The build is actually for people who only have level 50 at least on occultism, sorcery and auramancy. But if you have sorcery already on max level, this spell is amazing for farming. If you don't have level 55 yet on sorcery feel free to use anything else.
As last but not least Auramancy:
Since i myself farm a lot in library where there happens to be some mobs who deal a lot of magic damage, i use this to sustain myself. If you're not planning to go anywhere near here swap it out for anything else since 90% of the mobs in the game deal physical damage and makes this spell rather useless.
Speaks for itself, a nice 30 min health buff.
Since i don't have a lot of intelligence in my gear, i use this to maintain my mana issues. If you don't feel like using this or don't have any mana problems, feel free to change it.
All the passives i use are for me the best for farming, but changing anything to your playstyle isn't a big deal.
Before using any combo don't forget to pull all the mobs and use your skills in this order:Begin with putting up and . Use your after every group of mobs you killed to always have that shield up when farming. Now to pull the mobs you simply use on 4-8 mobs (try to start with a low group of mobs if you never done this type of farming before to have a feel of it) and wait for them to get close to you. When the mobs are on their way to you, use your and stand still to prepare using the combos. When farming in places where there are a lot of mobs who deal magic damage, don't forget to use your after you used your .
When done properly the mobs are already on you and you can use the only 2 combos in this build so remembering them won't be a problem:
Main combo: into into into into will deal a ton of damage which will kill any group of mobs very quickly depending on the gear you use.
Second combo: into into as you can see this combo is a lot shorter and is only used when the main combo is still on cooldown.
This spell is used as last in the combo to use as a finisher .
This spell is used at the start to deal some ranged aoe damage when the mobs are on their way to you .
This spell is used when there is just one mob left for sustain .
Lets talk about gear. Many people who use this class for farming (including me) don't use this as their main build whenever they are in PvP or doing dungeons. As for me i mainly play darkrunner and a bit of primeval, so having the best and most expensive gear wouldn't be happening for me. But to anyone who does play revenant or any mage class, using the gear you have right now, would be alright. I always use plate gear because most of the mobs you will face are dealing physical damage so buying some cheap cloth gear to have more intelligence won't be as effective since you're rather squishy. If you already own a plate gear that's great! If you don't, this is my recommended gear:Always try to find the highest defense gear with a bit of intelligence which are also cheap. You are planning to use this gear solely for farming so try to spend a maximum of 80 Gold for your gear. If you have the gold to buy more expensive gear feel free to do but don't forget that this is only for farming and you won't be using this for anything else a lot.
To me the nightmare set is by far the best and non expensive gear you can get on Auction House:
This gear has a high amount of defense and intelligence which are amazing for farming as a Revenant. The armor is not always on the Auction House so if you don't get the complete set try finding anything on This Website to find your best gear.
Also avoid getting any of the Reckless Captain Set which you can get from Crimson Rift and the Grimghast Set which you can get from Grimghast Rift. They are very cheap on the Auction House but they have a crappy active which will block your combo depending on which keybindings you use.
For weapons i use a scepter and a shield. Try to find a high defense shield with stamina which is also cheap to increase health and physical defense. As for scepter you could go anything but i would recommend the Lost Garden Faded Scepter since it has a nice active.
yes you can farm in library with a pockey healer very easy
Can you use this for farming library with a pocket healer?
It is one of the best leveling classes, since you're able to pull a lot of mobs and kill them all at the same time without losing to much health for certain quests.
Is this build good for leveling?