3.0 mobility skullknight
This is the build im going with on the new prophecy EU server , Sk's do no damage leveling is hell on earth but in pvp they are one of the best tanks to play in this mage ball meta we have now(dam i miss my abolisher).My reasoning behind the build is to be very mobile initiator for my guild but also to be a complete pain in the ass stopping my back lines getting destroyed with the tp cd s it makes this very possible to protect everyone.
I would'nt usually go so heavy in the defence tree for 1v1s but for small and large scale this build does it job.
Currently going for a mix of auroria soul bane and the auramancy cloth set with any wave and lighting stuff that comes out for jewellry and the warrior necklace from halcy
Obviously the server is only a week old so everyone is taking whatever they find once we can get a little geared up id go for anthalon 4 set and soulbane the rest with obsidian shield and im torn between an obsidian katana and scepter.
I ve always been a plate user in every mmo since the dawn of pc's but with the way mages work in archeage its just not very possible until you get over 6k gs you can get away with it but you would have to pick your fights too carefully.
Any question's id be happy to answer them also there will be a youtube channel starting soon with out guild adventures.
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