-- Support Cannon -- grouppvp
Guide by

- 1. Intro to Cannon Build
- 2. Skills
- 3. Gear
Intro to Cannon Build
EbonSong is not a easy class to play however it is very fun rewarding glass cannon like a spellsinger.It is generally a support class and will stand in the middle of a group and shines in sea warfare.
If you plan to do 1v1, then prepare to die.
If you plan to take out a lot of players in a few seconds wihin a raid then your in luck.
This build requires a ton of prepping before unloading your attacks with rewards of 20k+ damage to many which is why this is called Cannon.
You unload your attacks after buffing, then you run for it if the player is not dead, which is not very often.
If you get caught you will die.
This build has no CC's and nothing to prevent your opponent from annihilating you up close.This simple combo is ready to use every 2 minutes, so plan your mass killing in group PVP, basically be a Sniper etc.
Usual role is to play the songcraft tunes to buff your team mates inbetweeb the two minute cooldowns.
Buffing Cycle = -> -> (wait for Zeal) -> -> (Honors Nodachi) -> -> -> -> other skills if needed ->
If players are not dead then they are geared and you should be slightly worried about engaging them :)
Sea Warefare:
Get your team mates to position your ship/boat right behind enemy ship and keep them in line, this allows you to shoot forward in a straight line, this should kill most players, except for there driver.
Mass PVP do what you like, best to wait until enemies bunch up.
Open World pvp, the world is your oyster.
You are a sitting duck when attacking, but your DPS is quite insane once buffed
Check the video comments for alternative build skills, I find the above suit the roles needed in group pvp/pve
It's generally your choice.Plate with Agility etc.
Leather Obvious
Cloth - Not so much.
Here is an example of for gear by BarthBartBart on youtube:
A few clips of someone else as a ebonsong with a divine bow if I am correct,
(He is not using the honors nodachi either which would have increased his damage a lot more):
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