- 1. Intro
- 2. Old DPS method (Glitch)
- 3. New DPS Method (Legit)?
- 4. Recommended Damage dealing Classes?
- 5. Recommended prepping classes?
- 6. Why a tank and not burst?
- 7. Raid/party potential?
Aim is to have fun while being very powerful when needed in open world e.g. raids, ganking and world bosses.This will not work in dungeons or arena’s.
Method is a a double edged sword that can backfire occasionally, and can only be used every 90 seconds.
New DPS Method (Legit)?
You need 3+ archers/occultism which have bloodlusted using auromancy (Endless arrows / Mana stars + Thwart), have them shoot you while Frenzy is active.You don't need a high gear score to be a pain, but you need at least 5-10 secs to prep. The prepping will give 1,350 + every 5 secs which will stack and be added to your magic/melee stat with just 3 archers doing the prepping with endless arrows.
Of course, more archers/occultism users will mean more dps gained during prepping.
Recommended Damage dealing Classes?
Best defence class recommended: AbolisherWhy: It’s a very good class, enough said.
Best damage class recommended: Dawncaller
Why: Once Burst ends, you switch roles to Songcraft to support your team during frenzy cooldown period. Then let team know when cooldown ends to repeat process.
Best AOE class recommended: Doomlord.
Why: Has AOE CC Hell Spears, Crippling mire, Summon crows, Summon wraith. However you have a higher chance of death compared to Dawncaller and Abolisher.
End of the day you basically need to be a tank that can negate the frenzy stun at the end of bursting.
Recommended prepping classes?
Best Class: BastionWhy: Bastion can keep prepping out of Damage dealing classes range, helps prevent accidental auto-targeting by Damage dealer(accidental death for bloodlusted bastion)
Other recommended classes: Skullknight, Primeval, Edgewalker
Basically anything with Endless arrows or mana stars using thwart.
Prepping involves Bloodlust, prepping, then keeping your distance so you don’t get one shotted by tank.
Why a tank and not burst?
Being a tank means your survival rate will increase when taking on 5-11 players.Darkrunners, Spellsingers and other burst classes will one shot a player, however they will die more often before finishing off 5-11 players. They may even possibly die during prepping time.
Your dps will be so high from your team prepping you that crits plus bursts are pointless.
Raid/party potential?
50 in a raid10 healers (Auromany wing rotation, and healing players)
30 Preppers (Archers to boost tank DPS and overall do dps)
10 Damage (Tanks to dive in and attack after 10 scond prep and tigerstrike x 2 hopefully)
Each team party column in raid should have 1 healer, 3 archers and one Tank.
Each tank has 2K+ damage in stats.
Each tank if done correctly should take out at least 3+ plus players if gearscore for defence is high enough.
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