- 1. Introduction
- 2. How Spellsingers Work
- 3. What Makes Spellsinger Viable?
- 4. What Does a Spellsinger Wear?
- 5. Just a Quick Note Regarding Katanas and Cast Time
- 6. Now That We Have Zeal (Level 55)
- 7. Interchangable Spells
- 8. Watch Some Spellsinger PvP Videos!
- 9. If You Want To Be The Best You Need a Shitload of Damage
- 10. Making the Most of Your Crowd Control
- 11. That's a Lot of Choices: the Luxury of Flexibility
- 12. Wraping Up
- 13. Level 50 Builds For Beta and Initial Launch
- 14. For Anyone Interested In Talking To Me
- 15. Welcome to the End of the Guide. Few Have Traveled This Far
Hi guys, Billymays here with the 1.7 Mainbuild / Off Builds for those of you who are interested in Spellsinger. I'll probably be reviewing this guide for 1.7 in the future, so if anything in the guide seems off, or doesn't match up with the current build, it is likely because I am in the process of a re-writeHow Spellsingers Work
This build is based around mostly instant cast combos into and hastened casting for the highest amount of damage output and crit chance for . It relies heavily on burst damage, and has been known to kill people in a couple seconds or less, there is ample footage within this guide that examples this. Many of it's combos and passive abilities / passive ability uptimes supply it's very large source of damage in PvP and PvE situations, it can also be changed, as the class is very flexible to suit a full support, supportdamage, and supporthealing role, theres very few limits outside of tanking that you have with this class.What Makes Spellsinger Viable?
The Spellsinger is a very high damage output class when played correctly, it may even surpass the capabilities of Darkrunners, Daggerspells, and other high damage/burst classes when we hit the 55 Cap. Most of is damage is instant-casted, during CC, or after a critical, which triggers which in most cases after it's taken affect should be immediately followed by a rotation along the lines of -> -> . At the very least should be used during , or when a target is around 50/60% as chances are you'll crit atleast once or hopefully twice using it, then after again with another spell as is put out very very quickly. With the correct gear, this is a very very viable setup for PvP that I'll get more into depth on later in the guide.And for PvE there are more more basic ways to deal damage with fillers in PvE situations, that let you conserve and retain mana while still having decent to high damage output such as spam, spam (This has a higher mana cost and can be more costly than spamming , but if you're geared it is much more effective), while also having the ability to put out thousands upon thousands of damage when need be.
What Does a Spellsinger Wear?
*THIS SECTION OF THE BUILD MAY CONTAIN SETS THAT ARE CURRENTLY OUT OF DATE AS FAR AS THE LEVEL VERSION GOES, ALL OTHER INFORMATION IS AS I INTEND IT TO BE*4 Piece Cloth Set Bonus: -4% Cast Time / 50% reduction in cast time increase when hit while casting and chance of interruption
7 Piece Cloth Set Bonus: -4% Cast Time / 50% reduction in cast time increase when hit while casting and chance of interruption / +5% Magic Damage / -30% Debuff Uptime (Reduces duration of things like Poison and Bleed)
4 Piece Leather Set Bonus: +3% Dodge, and +2 Meters to Bow Range
7 Piece Leather Set Bonus: +3% Attack Speed and Evasion, -20% Duration of Trip on yourself, +3 Meters to Bow Range, +5% Melee and Ranged Crit Chance
4 Piece Plate Set Bonus: +3% Physical Defense.
7 Piece Plate Set Bonus: +3% Physical Defense, Max HP Increased by 5%, -20% Stun and Shackle Duration on yourself.
So looking at these bonuses not based on specific gear set alone Cloth is obviously more oriented for magic users, and casters in general outside of Healers which have been known to use plate on occasion.
Leather doesn't really have any bonuses for us aside from the trip duration, which often has covered.
Plate has a nice amount of Physical Defense in general even without the set bonus, which can come in extremely handy against Battlerage / Shadowplay compositions, and Archers. But aside from that it only really gives us a 20% decrease to Shackle and Stuns, which can be useful but there are cloaks for that, which I'll address in a moment in this chapter.
Now cloth, cloth has the most benefits to us, and to most is an easy choice. To break it down, as it has been stated in the guide we stack into Cast Time reduction passives for a reason, we have less CC than other classes, while we have more damage, so we need to get as much done in the amount of time the CCs we do have give us to maximize our window for a kill with said heavy damage. Our damage is also increased by 5% with the set bonus which, along with the Interruption Chance and Debuff passive, is just a really useful set bonus.
I tried out a Spellsinger in plate gear, and I had a nice 48% Physical Defense while using but I noticed casting for 2.2 Seconds With up, as opposed to 1.8 seconds with up, and while it doesn't seem to math out correctly, it's just what I noticed between the two characters.
I highly recommend using cloth as your set of gear, while I do not dislike using plate, I don't feel that it's as useful for our class setup. I only recommend not using Leather, as it has little benefit to us besides split Magic and Physical Defense.
Now on to which Cloth set / Plate set I actually would recommend to you if you were to ask me say, "There so many different kinds of sets of Gear, what variant of gear do I actually want?". My opinion may differ from other Spellsingers, or maybe even casters in general but; given you were following the build that is shown on top of the guide, I would recommend you use Lake Gear: any level appropriate tier for it's Set Bonuses and stat composition.
If you decide to be a Plate Spellsinger I would also Recommend A set of Lake Gear: any level appropriate tier for it's stat bonuses and stat composition.
As far as weapons go, the breakdown of weapons is based on their bonuses and damage stats:
Two Handers: Increase Melee/Magic skill damage and heal amount +5%.
Dual Wielding: Increases Attack Speed +10% when equipped with one-handed weapons. Increases damage for Triple Slash, Whirlwind Slash, Rapid Strike, Overwhelm, Wallop, and Shadowsmite +7%.(Not very useful for us at all, nor do I know how you would find an offhand with magic attack power.)
I recommend using a Lake Staff.At times you may feel that you have to try to mitigate melee damage, in these cases it is acceptable to use a Wave Scepter and a Wave Shield if it is available to you.
Unless they nerf this item it is an absolute game changer and if you feel so inclined to attempt to obtain it you may, but >This Thing< is fucking bonkers. You basically take this weapon from one of the Honor vendors for 3,000 Honor (As of the live update), and put it on your action bars like a spell, along with your actual staff or scepter/shield and you click it to equip it, then click it again to become Enraged, then swap back into your normal weapon(s), and all of your spells do 25% increased damage. This may be difficult to obtain given the necessity of the PvP Cloaks but if you can manage it you're going to have a fun time with
The last vital portion of information that I think really gets a lot of people confused is Cloaks.
Abitious Cloak: Removes Stun, Trip, and Impale effects and grants immunity to them for 1 second. You will need this for 1v1 arenas against Battlerage / Shadowplay builds.
Gweonid's Rest / Hopes for Peace: Decreases Cast Time -6%. This will be your walk around cloak
Lionhearted Cloak: Removes Fear and Sleep and grants immunity for 1 second. You need this to keep from getting Lassituded into a Meteor by Daggerspells and Demonologists and what not.
As for accessories, tier of level-appropriate Wave rings/necklaces/earrings/instruments/bows are recommended.
Earrings: Wave Earrings : Level Appropriate Tier
Necklace: Wave Necklace : Level Appropriate Tier
Rings: Wave Rings : Level Appropriate Tier
Instrument: Wave Flute : Level Appropriate Tier
Bow: Wave Bow : Level Appropriate Tier(Epherium and higher only)
Just a Quick Note Regarding Katanas and Cast Time
Note: As it has been said, this class is based around quick cast time, BUT it Is not best to use a Katana in any situation due to the loss of Magic AttackNow That We Have Zeal (Level 55)
Now that we can achieve with a normal class setup at 55, we no longer have to worry about the problems that came after the talent tree updates, that heavily damaged Spellsinger's viability during the Alpha/Beta Phases of the game for Western based clients. Therefore we no longer need the "How to Achieve Zeal in Alpha" Chapter anymore. BUT if you're playing in Beta and want to toy around with it for the time being feel free, but it's likely not going to be viable for a PvP situation: http://arche-base.com/builds/generator#7.9.8/mAlZtkCjU5Interchangable Spells
Some spellsingers may not like the melee component that comes towards the end of the Shadowplay tree around 50, or . So some spells some of you may want to swap out for other spells that you like or maybe just take the points from that spell and rearrange them in the same tree, are , , and . If you do choose to remove some of these spells (or maybe others, your build is your own, I'm just making a guide) I recommend picking up some utility from Songcraft, maybe or or maybe even something from the Shadowplay tree that doesn't necessarily benefit you damage wise much, but may help you get out of bad situations like or give you some melee midigation likeand are recommended, but not needed. But those points ARE needed within the Songcraft tree to be able to skill into
Watch Some Spellsinger PvP Videos!
Check out these videos from some pretty good Clowns/Spellsingers that make good examples for this classes potential and abilities.This player is a prime example of this Classes very high single target damage, and the classes high mobility, while his build differs slightly from mine as you can tell by his action bars he is running a bit more support, since he's WorldPvPing quite a bit.
This player exemplifies this Classes high amount of AoE damage and, in some situations very advantageous uses of the range on spells like. which I have not included in my guide, as I plan to use this build for mostly Arenas, and World PvP. Refer to Interchangeable Spells to see what I recommend swapping out for if you really want the spell.
In this video around 1:10 this player from NA begins to show this classes potential against many other players at once, and in some other instances shows how much this class can do in the hands of a skilled player.
If You Want To Be The Best You Need a Shitload of Damage
For maximum damage output, spells such as + for maximum damage output when going for high damage output casted spells and combos like -> . Or given the chance to drop and stand-cast , do.Some sort of cc ( / / the fear from should be used before casting to ensure you can complete the cast.
Sequences: ->->casted
or: ->->->
and even: ->-> works sometimes.
In any normal PvP situation ->->-> will likely be your best course of action for effectively getting off a comboed
Making the Most of Your Crowd Control
Crowd Control / CC throughout my Alpha and RU experience has been the lifeblood and the bane of PvP. I've had situations where I've been reasonably CC'd into a good combo that I have no complaints about, it's PvP and just letting two people stand there and hit each other isn't fun or exciting to watch or play through, there is some legitimately acceptable CC out there, that on occasion is enough to put someone under. Then there are some classes that are just scummy to an extent that chain you from a trip to a stun to a stun to a sleep to a trip, and you can't do anything about it. Spellsingers are NOT that kind of class we have limited cc that we can make good use of, but it is limited (as is every classes, but you guys get the idea, some classes seem like they have endless amounts of cc.) So we make the very most that we can of our limited amount of CC and aim to kill before we are killed. Our hard CC consists of three spells / spell combinations: - - and + combo'd together to fear the target by creating the Charm effect with then consuming it with .Outside of this we have minor or light non-loss of character control CC that we can make effective use of which comes from the spells: - -
To fully comprehend what these spells and their CC abilities do I will go over them and explain them for those that may not have experience with games of this style.
: This spell does magic damage and Snares and Slows the Target. The Snare stops the target from moving but not from using spells for roughly 1 second, and the Slow slows their actual walking speed. Making this spell good against Melee.
: This spell does magic damage and slows the targets and all other targets to pass through its movements for roughly 5 seconds. Another good spell to use on melee, it also makes a good combo with as it inflicts 41% increased damage on Chilled Targets.
: This spell does physical damage and Stuns the target for roughly 2 seconds. It is easily countered by anyone who uses Auramancy's Shrug it Off skill, but outside of that your target will be effectively disabled for the duration. This will allow you to use a multitude of spells that require you to be closer to a target to use such as , , and
: This spell Shackles the target which essentially means your target will be Disarmed or not able to use skills that require a melee weapon. This skill is highly dangerous to Melee and Archers but again is countered by Auramancy's Retribution skill.
: Another stun that disables your target from acting for 2 seconds which is again affected by Auramancy's Shrug it Off skill. This Stun also applies an effect called "Charmed" which affects and interacts with the following spells (that pertain to this guide): - - - . The main thing you should know about "Charmed" is that it is consumed by to fear the target for 2 seconds.
's Fear: When "Charmed" is consumed by this spell your target is feared for 2 seconds (as stated above.)
That's a Lot of Choices: the Luxury of Flexibility
So throughout this guide I've been mostly referring and explaining this particular guide at the top, but for the more adjusted Spellsinger or someone that is looking for a different kind of Spellsinger gameplay, here's a list and an explanation of different types and variations of the Spellsinger Class."The OG Spellsinger Build"

So this is basically the extended 55 Version of the original build that I had up before I fixed it, which many of you likely tried. If you want to stick to this build and not the new one here's the older one. The main difference in this build is the use of combo'd with for extra damage and an effective trip. For the link to the actual ArcheBase page check below, and if you don't want to I'm going to be listing all the Spells here anyways for further comprehension.
Here are the Original Spellsinger skills:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>Actual Link Here<
"The Support/Damage Spellsinger Build"

This build is likely going to be the build for the adventurous type, or someone who is actively participating in World PvP in groups or Sieges. It has AoE Utility and Support based spells that can reach up to 25 Meters for maximum support uptime on as many targets as possible.
The Supportdamage build skills: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>Actual Link Here<
"The Support/Offhealer Spellsinger Build"

This build is similar to the Support Damage build in the Support aspect but different in the healing and gearing aspect. It's mostly suited to offheals and large group healing, making it another effective Siege and World PvP build. As of Gear you will likely want to use a Club similar to >This< or any other Meadow staff variant with >This Type of Gear< or any Meadow Cloth Gear that you can get at level 44+. I also recommend >This Lute< or any type of Life Lute
Here are the Supporthealer build skills:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>Actual Link Here<
"The Frostmage"

This is different than the other damage builds due to it using and . Even though these seem like small changes they really effect the build in a big way. For instance, you'll probably be using the Startling Strain stun to cast for the two instant casts that come during the duration, and trying to stay closer to other ranged damages during so you can stun them. Aside from that is no longer used to minimize cast time within this build. So your new electric spell combo setup will probably be -> -> .
Here are the Frostmage build skills:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>Actual Link Here<
"The Firemage"

This setup is exactly how it sounds, it just makes heavy use of the useful Fire talents in the tree: AND for those of you that like you have it in this build. The only thing you're losing with this build is .
Here are the Firemage build skills:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>Actual Link Here<
Wraping Up
So I had a friend in my old Guild, ask me if my guide explained how to spend skill points as you level up, and I had to tell him no, but assuming that if one person has the question, others will too, I decided I was going to go through and tell you what classes you should pick up at levels 1, 5 and 10, then tell you what spells you should have by level 10, 20, 30 40, and 50, then at 51, 52, 53, 54, and 55.At level one, when you first start your character, the first tree you go into is Sorcery.
The second tree you go into is Songcraft.
The Third tree you pick at level 10 is Shadowplay.
You get talent points at the following levels: 1, 3, 5(two points), 8, 10(two points), 13, 15, 18, 20, 23, 25, 28, 30, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, and 55.
Use these points on these spells by these levels as you see fit, it's your gameplay and your judgement, and inevitably it won't matter what order you picked them because at 55 you'll have them all.
Level 1: Role Sorcery, keep
Level 5: Role Songcraft, pick up and
Level 10: Role Shadowplay, pickup and
By Level 10: You should have the spells: - - - - - - and
By Level 20: You should have the spells: - - - - - - - - and
By Level 30: You should have the spells: - - - - - - - - - - - and
By Level 40: You should have the spells: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - and
By Level 50: You should have the spells: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - and
By Level 51: You should have the spells: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - and
By Level 52: You should have the spells: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - and
By Level 53: You should have the spells: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - and
By Level 54: You should have the spells: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - and
By Level 55: You should have the spells: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - and
Level 50 Builds For Beta and Initial Launch
I've been getting alot of questions from people that still want to see my level 50 builds for Open Beta and the Initial Launch phase of the game before 1.7 or whenever they said they were planning on releasing 55 Level cap and Content for 55.Thank Vaserius and others who requested this guide for motivating me to add this portion of the guide.
The Newer Spellsinger build: Level 50:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - and
This is the newer, final copy 50 version of what I'm going to be playing at launch, as I'm sure many of you will try out as well if you roll spellsinger.
>Link Here<
The OG Spellsinger: Level 50

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - and
This is the older version of the level 50 Spellsinger build with
>Link Here<
The Supporthealer: Level 50

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This is the level 50 version for the Supporthealer Spellsinger; Good for Sieges and Grouped WorldPvP
>Link Here<
The Supportdamage: Level 50

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This is the 50 Version of the Supportdamage Spellsinger. Good for Sieges, and Grouped WorldPvP. Still viable for solo / non-grouped PvP.
>Link Here<
For Anyone Interested In Talking To Me
I've started to work my way back into ArcheAge recently, and hopefully I'll be playing this a lot more than other games. I'm currently playing West Faction on Aranzeb on two toons named Billymayshere and Stinkyfatshit. If you guys want to talk to me, play with me, or give me free shit feel free to message me in game if I'm on. I'm also open to questions about Spellsinger and other classes.Welcome to the End of the Guide. Few Have Traveled This Far

StinkyFatShit - Aranzeb - Live Servers
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This or Daggerspell? Which one is better at the moment?
Question, whats the reasoning behind removing shadowstep? Not saying its a bad chose just curious on your thoughts.
First of all .... BIG LIKE! But now my question: You wrote By Level 30: You should have the spells: Flamebolt - Insulating Lens - Critical Discord - Startling Strain - [Perform] Quickstep - Overwhelm - Drop Back - Arc Lightning - Freezing Earth - Mana Flurry - Hummingbird Ditty - and Stealth .... How can u get Mana Flurry till LvL 30 with these skills? U need 7 Points for Mana Flurry ... but i just count 5 with Magic Range Boost or is there an error in my reasoning?
Regarding cloaks, Although very difficult to obtain, what about the axis mundi cloak for spellsingers? useful? I see in that spellsinger clown video on here from korea that he is using it in his equipment inventory.