"Rough PvP theorycrafting notes. This will be updated as I test things out.
Note the following assumptions:
* and have significant enough durations to last one full combo cycle and longer
* is an extremely strong nuke worth for the backstab bonus
* Slow will still be in effect for 's buff steal
* If you can't kill them after a combo + + some , you should probably run
Low cooldown attacks:
, , , ,
High cooldown attacks:
, ,
, , ,
CC break:
, ,
Basic combo:
> > > >
+ > > [basic combo]
> > >
Gain distance:
/ > > ( if needed)
Escape from fight:
> (turn camera 180) > >
PvP cycle:
Buff up: > + >
Fire arrows: > >
Shadowsmite: > >
Gain distance: > > run to gain some distance
Buy cooldown time: >
Repeat damage cycle: > > > >
Stealth until cooldowns ready or run away: > > >
PvE Hasla Farming:
Lose two point-blank CCs and Shadowsmite's backstab assist in exchange for AoE, more damage, and less aggro. Have to keep the escapes in case of PvP. Note the lack of and since we assume you are party grinding with a healer.
Swap for
Swap for
Swap for
Note the following assumptions:
* and have significant enough durations to last one full combo cycle and longer
* is an extremely strong nuke worth for the backstab bonus
* Slow will still be in effect for 's buff steal
* If you can't kill them after a combo + + some , you should probably run
Low cooldown attacks:
, , , ,
High cooldown attacks:
, ,
, , ,
CC break:
, ,
Basic combo:
> > > >
+ > > [basic combo]
> > >
Gain distance:
/ > > ( if needed)
Escape from fight:
> (turn camera 180) > >
PvP cycle:
Buff up: > + >
Fire arrows: > >
Shadowsmite: > >
Gain distance: > > run to gain some distance
Buy cooldown time: >
Repeat damage cycle: > > > >
Stealth until cooldowns ready or run away: > > >
PvE Hasla Farming:
Lose two point-blank CCs and Shadowsmite's backstab assist in exchange for AoE, more damage, and less aggro. Have to keep the escapes in case of PvP. Note the lack of and since we assume you are party grinding with a healer.
Swap for
Swap for
Swap for
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