Necromancer PVP Build 3.0 by eNji |4.0 UPDATE soon anti-cc
Guide by

- 1. #1 UPDATE FROM 09/29/2017
- 2. #2 Overview
- 3. #3 Buffs, passive and combos
- 4. #4 How to fight against...
- 5. #5 Threats to this Build
- 6. #6 Weapon and Gear
- 7. #7 How to level up/How to farm
- 8. #8 Random stuff
#1 UPDATE FROM 09/29/2017

LAST UPDATE *09/29/2017*
Nickname on Prophecy -> Necromancer

#2 Overview
Hi !I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Tim and I'm 26 years old. I live in Germany and I play Archeage (and the Necromancer Build) since Russian Beta.
*sigh* That should be enough tho :3
This class is very hard to master, makes alot of fun and is very viable in 1v1 and large scale battles aswell.
The Necromancer is all about CC, Debuffs and Burst Damage.
Here is a short allround overview:
Phys Damage ☆☆☆☆☆☆
Magic Damage ★★★★★☆
Defense ★★★★☆☆
Curses ★★★★★★
Buffs ★★★☆☆☆
Crowd Control ★★★★★★
Mobility ★☆☆☆☆☆
Survivability ★★★★☆☆
#3 Buffs, passive and combos
How to fight?First of all ->
Buff urself with healing increase.
Buff urself with Sleep immune (no longer grants immunity against fear).
Buff urself with Flat amout of magic defence increase.
Buff urself with for 12 sec. lower cd on occultism skills.
Use as soon as as melee engages on you or someone with witchcraft tries to fear you.
We wanna lock down our enemy with our stuns/slepps/fears/blubble etc and burst them while they are CC'd.
Our main goal is this combo ->
Try to get as closest as possible to the enemy.
The best opener would be into (use lassitude first so the enemy will sleep when our bubble hits him (no chance of getting out of the bubble due to the effect of sleep).
Switch to your "HONOR CLOUDSTAFF" and cast the thunderstorm right into the enemy (it wont get hit cuz of the bubble) If you dont know what i am talking about. check this movie down below this guide. As soon as the bubble is about the break (check the enemy task bar) ~1,5 sec left, start to cast under him (the timing is kinda important). The bubble will break (enemy still in sleep debuff) and as soon as he hits the ground, our hits him + the lightning strikes from the honor cloudstaff which deal 100% more damage to impaled targets every 0,5 sec. Follow up by which deals more damage when the enemy is impaled and impales the target again. Use into right after.
From here, the enemy is no longer impaled. You can go for or even better fear the target with and hit him with which deals 55% more damage to feared targets. Your should be back from cooldowns, use it immediately into to get some nice damage.
I could go on but that would be too much.
Our spell in spell combos
Here are some combos for this build (3.0 patch, sadly the skills arnt updated but never mind i checked them all)
+ (the fear combo from mana force will be replaced in 3.0 with "cursed targets")
+ (in 3.0, summon crows will reduce the accuracy from 30% to 60% when the target is under the root effect)
+ +
+ +
= 0,5 sec reduced casttime on and is pretty need
= increased duration of many witchcarft skills and our becomes more powerful + stays for 5 mins
= we need the 20% CD reduction cuz this is one of our main skilltrees
= will scale with healing aswell in 3.0
= we need the 20% cd reduction due to the fact its our main skilltree.
= +5% attack speed + our will increase our damage from occultism skills for like 4~6%. If you dont like it, switch it with
#4 How to fight against...
ArchersArcher's keeps the distance and kites u to death? Most archers get into the 25m range where we can cast and root him for 1,5 sec. long enough to close the gap and cast or .
Durkrunner's jumps in ur face and 1 hits you? LUL welcome to archeage get rekt :D at 3.0 the darkrunner gets a few nerfs...but if u want a huge advice -> use and as soon as he pops his battlerage skills to delete them. use on distance or when he jumps in ur face.
Spellsingers have only 1-2 cc skills. Use before you fight and just catch and jump in his face with - -
You find yourself vs. 2 enemys? Try to fear them or at least 1 of them as fast as possible with and take 2~3 sec. to prepare yourself and make sure you bubble one enemy (healers or mages prefer'd) with .
The only chance to winning a 1v2 is to nearly burst the weakest enemy or hold 1 enemy out of the fight while fighting his m8 with , , and .
Large scale pvp
So... what is our job/goal in a bigger fight? lets say halcy or something like this.
Well, mostly focus on protecting our own backline, we CC the shit out of who ever jumps on our healers.
Our group/raid is pushing or wanna go in? Try to pick of the closest enemys with (25 m range) into into , that should keep him in place while our group attacks him.
We can also support our tank with from time to time, but keep in mind, we are not a main healer we dont have enough spirit to play this as a main role.
When to use
Ofc when u are about to die, but I also use it when I lost like 20~30% HP and the enemy got bubbled or is in sleeping debuff. Or even when I catched a archer with into into and I'll closing the gap with running towards him switching to my 2handed and healing myself...make sure u switch to ur 2h club and buff urelf with .
0,5 sec cast fear ...meeh standing still to cast a fear is not the best, but pretty good when the enemy is rooted like or .
Use him when you focus spellsingers, archers or other enemys with low defense.
You can use him against tanks aswell, but dont use him right at the start, he will destroy our ++ combo.
use him when the enemy is in sleep debuff, cast the impact on the enemy and u'll get a "free" tripped debuff on the enemy.
Not the best skill cuz the fact we have to "channle" the skill. But if you start it and cancle it right away like 0,5 sec. the enemy still get the debuff's and his CD is increased by 80%.
But try to get as much as you can from that skill if the enemy is confused or in panic.
Make sure to use all the time. With + you can use it 2 sec. after it ends.
Summon crows now decrease the accuracy by 60% for phy AND MAG as long as the enemy is rooted like or .
#5 Threats to this Build
Keep in mind: This is my personal opinion/experience.The most experience player (or better gear) will win the fight and not only the class.
I dont like the mainstream classes like "Daggerspell" or "Primeval", i like to play "unknown/anti-mainstream" classes. So here we go:
☆☆☆ = Easy
★★★ = Hard
☆☆☆ =
Heirophant, Cultist, Ranger, Inquisitor, Executioner, Blade Dancer.
★☆☆ =
Skullnight, Spellsong, Demonologist, Blackguard, Spellsinger, Dreadnought, Dreambreaker, Naturalist.
★★☆ =
Paladin, Edgewalker, Stone Arrow, Arcanist, Daggerspell, Darkrunner, Primeval, Blighter.
★★★ =
Abolisher, Templar, Trickster, Hexblade.
Abolisher (Defense-Auramancy-Battlerage)
Paladin (Defense-Battlerage-Vitalism)
Templar (Defense-Auramancy-Vitalism)
Skullnight (Defense-Occultism-Auramancy)
Edgewalker (Auramancy-Occultism-Vitalism)
Heirophant (Auramancy-Vitalism-Witchcraft)
Cultist (Vitalism-Occultism-Sorcery)
Ranger (Archery-Shadowplay-Vitalism)
Stone Arrow (Archery-Shadowplay-Defense)
Trickster (Archery-Shadowplay-Witchcraft)
Primeval (Auramancy-Archery-Shadowplay)
Arcanist (Sorcery-Auramancy-Witchcraft)
Spellsinger (Sorcery-Songcraft-Shadowplay)
Spellsong (Sorcery-Auramancy-Songcraft)
Daggerspell (Sorcery-Shadowplay-Witchcraft)
Demonologist (Witchcraft-Sorcery-Occultism)
Inquisitor (Battlerage-Shadowplay-Vitalism)
Executioner (Shadowplay-Battlerage-Occultism)
Blackguard (Battlerage-Vitalism-Occultism)
Dreadnought (Shadowplay-Occultism-Defense)
Darkrunner (Battlerage-Shadowplay-Auramancy)
Blighter (Defense-Battlerage-Shadowplay)
Blade Dancer (Battlerage-Shadowplay-Songcraft)
Dreambreaker (Witchcraft-Defense-Auramancy)
Naturalist (Sorcery-Vitalism-Archery)
Hexblade (Witchcraft-Battlerage-something else)
#6 Weapon and Gear
WeaponsI recommand using a scepter and a shield. The best scepter would be a t7 obsidian scepter, but you can also go with a wave scepter. A wave shield and bow for max. INT and a 2H club for the healings :3
Cloth ofc, i would recommend the upgraded serpentines wrists with the whole set passiv (shadow warrior shadows).
For the rest, go for obsidian.
Regular mage accessory with magic penetration and/or decreased cast time.
Also the libaray earring (greater ayanad earring) is pretty good on this build.
Here is a short overview (obsidian parts missing - no need to show them tho)

For the shield socket -> go for shield block rate. I know we got less block rate cuz we got no STR at all, but we can hit 15~20% block rate which is noticeable, especially when you block a shadowsmite/overwhelm from a darkrunner lul :3
#7 How to level up/How to farm
Skillset for levelingI'll recommand this build to level up ->

Stick with the quest gear until you hit 50. Now make GHA runs and grab the cloth set.
The GHA set is actually pretty awesome on this build. I know there are some STR stats, but as long as you dont have any serpnetines gear, stick with GHA.
As i said before, the passiv is awesome.

When you + + + the enemy, it will proc the last passiv or at least the chance is like 80%.
You can also take the necklace from GHA (Handle with care, drops at 3rd boss) which has the same effect, but only increase the magic attack fo 100%.
Now lets get some decent gear!
After we got our GHA set or maybe some crafted cloth parts, aim for serpentines. farm the cloth gear and start with the ring quest.
this may take a while, but as soon as you got the whole set, you will notice a decent damage output.
from here, craft or buy your obsidian gear, i'll would recommend to craft it by urself. try to hit divine, and from there, just upgrade the t1 to t3, or even higher if u have the mats.
How to hit my "end gear"?
start the dream ring quest as soon as possible and try to grab all the bosses with ur guild or just leech from pirates lul :3
collect warrior tokens for the occultism flute.
farm the libaray quest to get the star/moon/sun stone quest which leads u to the greater ayanad earring.
keep crafting T1 obsidian parts until all of them are divine and start upgrading it to t3 or higher.
all of these steps can take a while... if u are getting bored of the libaray, go and farm some warrior tokens, bored of that aswell? craft ur gear, or go into the arena and own some nubs :3
#8 Random stuff
Stormcloud Staff Ability + SkewerU may mute the sound cuz its pretty loud :o
My own movie will come early 2017! See you guys on the fresh server EU! :)
Why is bubble trap not in the main build if its included in our goal combo ?
~ waiting for 4.0 ~
Hello there! I want to try out this class. Unfortunately, at the moment I have an obsidian staff. Do you think it will be viable or will I be too fragile? Thank you :)
@h3s cursed thrones
@Krilia shortspear would be bad since u lose all the magic attack tho .... I use the GHA mana scetper atm.. its pretty bad but I still own most of all arena runs :)