Grand slam breakfest dps gambit leveling pve pvp
Guide by Teamcool Last update at Jul 24th 2014, 23:51

Apparently this was finally updated. So I just relocated the screwed up points. The above allocation of pts should reflect what I meant in actual guide.

UPDATE: If you have a dragonfang I highly suggest trying it out. Great replacement and might be better than his staff unique. It's a tough call since this is hybrid. You get more stats for his bo combat tree with deaths staff. Go with Eidolan for slot 2, Aim boots for slot 4 and his actual 2 unique's for slots 3 an 5.

This build is for his rework.

Like most things Gambit now has a lot of options if you're missing certain items or perhaps you want to swap certain things out in different situations. This ia definitely a hybrid build.

Uru and runeword: defense 800 is just a big buff for him in this dept. Lunar eclipse without a doubt. The 1000 crit rating on dodge and spirit on crit is something you cannot pass up and will allow you to drop pyms from your artifacts deeming it unnecessary.

Medal: Best option I think is pyro for the energy dmg, crit, brutal. Doc Ock is good because all but 52 pickup is AOE. Hydra would also be acceptable for dmg and invuln.

Artifacts: Now most of what I have up there is pretty cut an dry. This is a dmg build. 2 possibe replacements and 2 must have. HOD and Pluvian are the must haves. As I mentioned before most of this build is centered on AOE. HOD is needed for crit, dmg and brutal. Without ragin cajun your crit will be coming from lunar since he has nothing on it from other passives. 2 swappable artifacts would be Adv CCOC for physical and invlun if you feel like you're having problems staying alive. Gem of the Kursed is almost a must have because of the crit and brutal. I personally am going to be looking at a GOK, HOD, xero, pluvian build. GOK is not on the artifact list. If you don't have these the meta and ccoc or xero are still great options. Grand slam has physical on it's swing. 1 Other short term option could be a Random's Protoplasm now that it has severely buffed stats. Look for one with close to +300 brutal rating. Also has some good defensive stats,

Blessings. 2 hela and 2 baldur. I really like projectile evasion. You could go with 4 hela but I would advise taking up some defense blessings for backup.

Insignia. Kitty Pride with AOE dmg. another defense or even ranged dmg would be a great pickup. I think this would work out better than an O'grady. An Archangel may not be a bad idea here as well. Though i'll be sticking with Kitty.

Ring: I'm using area/melee dmg which area/ranged would probably better I do not have. It has brutal and health on pick up which is great for heavy mob action.

Synergy: SG, JG, IM, DD, Cable, HT, Luke, MS.M, Thing, Wolvie. You could swap in Cap or Cyke for cable.

Enchants: 2 hail for AOE dmg, 3 health.

Affixes: All 4 flat dmg rating if you can get it. If you so happen to get crit dmg for 1 it's fine but try for at least 3 to be flat dmg. I wasted about 700k an had to settle with 1 affix being crit dmg. Which is fine.

Legendary. Now I wouldn't go with gungir. I think he needs more dmg as opposed to crit for this build. I suggest a control rod for the energy dmg or the casket has like 600 dmg rating on AOE plus a slow. With the control do not use an energy core he will not need any + stats for this.

Core: I do not suggest getting energy on your core. I suggest invuln as a mandatory spot. The other I went with strength since this is hybrid. You could go with fighting or 25% health/spirit which can't hurt ya.

Combo: Pretty simple and a ton of fun. Pop Ragin Cajun. Leap in with bo vault to be surrounded plus dmg and weaken. Throw down House of cards as soon as you land for the slow. Street sweep for DOT. Throw Ace Of spades to the closest target so any incoming will be hit. Spin to win holding a full charge and release grand slam. You can pop Ace of spades again and house of cards after a full charge of grand slam. Rinse repeat kind of thing. Pretty much the same exact thing for boss fights except I hold Ragin for a secure chance to use 52 pick up. Since it's a bit rougher to land leaving you open if you're in a solo situation. Grand slam on bosses while invlun also to regen health on melee from both lemuria and savate expert. This build I asure is you fun and deals some very nice dmg. All based off doing cosmic runs.

You can keep 2 hotbars and only swap out basics for harder boss situations using wild card if you need to keep a distance. I only 1 pt both of them anyways. Bo Vault, House of cards, Ace of spades an run away don't stay in with grand slam if you know the boss can 1 shot you. Not worth it.

Another thing. I don't want to make 3 of the same exact build buttttttttt. KEEP ALL OF THE PTS THE EXACT SAME EXCEPT THE 20 FOR GRAND SLAM and YOU CAN SWAP IN STREET SWEEP OR ALL IN. This is to your own preference. Street sweep I replacement I feel is something more geared for bosses with the dot while I'm not the biggest fan of all in's movement but it's still very viable.