Punch the World - Hulk dps - 2.02 dps hulk pvp
Guide by Artoreous Last update at Dec 16th 2013, 15:55

Points Available: 0
Worldbreaker 1
1  60


Hulk DPS Build






    Groud Smash
    - Best aoe ability - 20 points.

    - LOTS of crit stats and HUGE crit numbers - 20 points.

    Destructive Mayhem
    - Hulk's only dot that is good for aoe and single target dps - 20 points.

    Earthquake Leap
    - Great utility to herd mobs together for aoe nuke and to keep up
    - 1 point.

    Avalance Leap
    - Best way to avoid danger and keep your dot up at the same time. Just hop over the boss to get out of danger.
    is much better to start a fight. AL is a waste of spirit to start a fight - 1 point.


note - Hulk dps is more of a priority system.

(aoe only) >

1. Walk in a pack and

to get the mobs close to you and get


- Great for gathering mobs into a pile to let Ground Smash bash their brains in, and to keep up Hulk's dot after the 5 sec duration. Keep dot up for aoe and single target mobs.


- I win buffs. Keep Unbridled Rage up at all times or use when u need health. Buff last 10s but you can recast in 2-3s to gain more health. With the high rate that anger will rise you should have no problem keep up UR. Use Hulk Mad on cooldown with atleast 80-90 spirit in the tank


- aka "Punch the World" - mash this till Hulk's dot has to be refreshed or there are no more white mobs around. Exclude for the most part when there are only 2-3 high level mobs.


- hardest hitting attack that has a small aoe radius, combine with knockdown skills for extra damage.


- only used if spirit is low or to finish off an enemy.

Boss Fight example, Shocker T3 Red Terminal


Gear tips - I like gear that has "health regen" when Hulk does dmg cause there is a lot to gain with the dmg that Hulk can put out. Crit dmg, spirit skill reduction, dmg, defense, and plus 1 skill points to skills you use are great. Equipment that has mental or range def i tend to avoid but not if other bonuses are good. I like having brutal strike somewhere on my gear for some big numbers to entertain me but doesn't return enough dps to gear for it. Avoid knock back and slowing on hit. Hulk has no use for it. Hulk has two uniques that I've found that are very good that everyone should look for - Always Angry and Anger Management System.

Notes - I feel this is a really strong build and very fun to play. This build really shines in aoe situations and in large groups. The dps numbers cover my whole screen. This is my first character and my first guide so comments and suggestion would be great. Enjoy!

Version 2 - Corrected some terminology
- Added more notes on individual skills
-More notes on gearing
-Added youtube video on rotation
-Slight adjustment to rotation section
-Moved one point from Brutal Swing to Demolishing Charge to "sprint' through areas.
-Seriously thinking of removing some points in Ground Smash like 1-10 for better dps gains on longer fights with bosses.