First Avengers Gambit - Agile and Articulate dps gambit leveling pve pvp
Guide by FirstAvenger16 Last update at May 30th 2014, 23:27

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The First Avenger's guide to The Agile and Articulate Remy

Some people want a Pure Melee build, or a Pure Ranged build with Remy. To me, at his core, Gambit is a hybrid character. He is meant to chuck cards to clear trash and let the bad dogs get the stick. This build focuses on Remy's movement powers, utilizing some of the better movement abilities in the game in combination to stay clear of mobs and to wipe the screen. He doesn't have an effective single target damage spell in this build, you'll notice... but thats not what you want to focus on. Move, stick, move, stick, talk some trash along the way. So here is my build, I've had more fun with this play style than any of my alts. Hope that you enjoy as much as I have.

Here is how I have my bar set up. It might not work for you, so feel free to make changes to make it more comfortable for you.


You open up every fight with
. The hands down best movement power in the game. Not only does it count as melee (meaning just jumping in to battle has a chance to proc his Deaths Black Staff unique, wiping enemies off the screen) and also an area spell, but it does significant damage, weakens enemies for 8! seconds, knocks them down for 3.1 sec (even higher with +gear), but then it doesn't have a cool down. You could spam this ability, jumping back and forth around the screen looking awesome if you wanted to. But for flavor, I like to mix it up. So, jump in with
then immediately drop
. A one point wonder, terrific slow, high dmg on crit and brutal, a no brainer. Then,
back down the center of the pack, or at the particular elite or boss, then Royal Flush until all the trash is gone. If someone is still standing, pop
. The 50% damage negation comes in handy, since you'll be standing still, but as soon as the animation ends, you can roll away and start the whole train over again. Use
to finish off stubborn enemies, you have a lot of dodge built in with a maxed
. I hardly ever run out of spirit, allowing me to
almost an almost unlimited basis. But, with the black staff unique, it wouldnt hurt to use the staff whenever possible.

One Point Wonders

This is mostly for the spirit on hit and extra dmg on ranged attacks. Let your gear take this up as it doesn't scale particularly well enough to max.

It does high dmg at max, but really, your using it for the slow, the dmg is just extra. One point is enough to do what you need it to do.

Unlike Black Widows roll, this one just gives a flat attack speed percentage no matter the rank. The only thing that increases is the stun, and since you've maxed
the diminishing return on stuns is enough to just keep this at one point. Make sure before you go to beat down with your basic you roll in to get the attack speed bonus!

- Instant Revival. Simple, effective. No need to max.

Nice little utility spell, might as well sink a point in and let your +gear do its thing. Extra credits and rare find are never bad.

A lot of people max
, but my theory is, they are on cooldown for 30 seconds and 45 seconds respectively. So, there isn't a point to investing a ton of points in to those abilities. They are great at what they do, and when you gear for dodge and crit and brutal, they will do a severe amount of damage when used in conjunction. For instance, a buddy of mine runs a wolverine. He and i play these guys exclusively together, when he sees me use my signature
he knows to use his ultimate, because
is on. Your team mates also get the effect of
so its really strong.

Well, I hope you guys try this out, let me know if you like another build type. I've wondered what a full melee would like like on cosmic runs.

- The First Avenger