Stat Calculator still in beta.
Found wrong or missing information? Please, feedback or email
- This is basically the spell this whole build relies on. It has no cool down, and is able to cause some devastating damage if used from stealth.
- This is the first spell you should use to open. It will deal additional damage when paired with Tactical Strike, as well as regenerating 20 Suit Power basically making the cost of TS 10 Suit Power in the opener.
- This spell should be used whenever possible, it will keep us from going SP dry.
- After our opener, you should be hitting this to keep our opponent CC'd. It will allow you to use another TS without any counter-offense, it will also give us a good amount of time to get away if needed, or finish off any other opponents.
- I'm honestly not too sure about this spell, It could potentially help out with mobility, and making a good escape if all fails, but feel free to replace this with something that suits you.
- Great mobility spell. Using this while stealthed could really be beneficial with the opener.
- This will allow you to re-open with the initial rotation if your target isn't dead, or close to death. It can also provide a great OSH*T get away if you get into a hairy situation. Rank 4 just for the CD reduction.
- Just like False Retreat I'm not sure about this. I like to have a heal option whenever I'm in PvP just for any unforeseeable instances, but feel free to add any other spell you would think is more beneficial. I'd personally choose Bloodthirst, or Quick Slash in it's place.
Anyways that's all I really have to say about this. This is my first theorycraft and I would really enjoy any feedback to this build.
I think this build is missing "Suit Power free" ability ie. QS (Quick Strike) or WH (Whiplash) (better IMHO - longer range and ignores Armor). Also from AD (Augment Drone) we will benefit just a bit - tiny shot of HP. Maybe replace it with PREP (Preparation) ?