Warrior PvP Build dps pve pvp warrior
Warrior Guide by Keninblack Last update at Dec 17th 2013, 18:15

  • Current Level 0 /50
  • Ability Points 0 /0
  • AMP Points 0 /0
  • Elder Gems 0 /17
  • 0
    • = Locked by Tier
    • = Unlocked but Locked by Parent
    Max Health Assault Power Support Power
    Brutality 0000
    Finesse 0000
    Moxie 0000
    Tech 0000
    Insight 0000
    Grit 0000
    Strikethrough Chance 0% Critical Hit Chance 0% Critical Hit Severity 0% Deflect Chance 0% Deflect Critical Hit Chance 0%
    Stat Calculator still in beta.
    Found wrong or missing information? Please, feedback or email community@ws-base.com.
    This is a pvp build that emphasizes on sticking to your target via Leap, Kick, Plasma Whip, and Tether Anchor followed by bringing the pain with Relentless Strike, Power Strike, Savage Strikes, and Plasma Saw. There are varying choices I had to make between Leap and Unstoppable Force, so either or is fair game. I felt Leap would be more beneficial for mobility and staying on your target but Unstoppable Force is just as good for the instant CC break and immunity. I just felt the 35 second cooldown versus the 15 second cooldown was the game changer.


    Relentless Strike - Your bread and butter Kinetic Energy gaining move. With Tier 4 in this move it allows us to use it as a bigger damage dealer when enemies are below 30% hp. While there is no execute move for the warrior, you can whack away even harder when they are lower health.

    Power Strike - Your primary Kinetic Energy dumping move. The more times you use it, the faster the cooldown will be for the next Power Strike. This is something you will use after you've applied three stacks of Plasma Saw or if Plasma Saw has been applied and you are on down time. With applying Tier 4, Power Strike will now decrease the enemy's physical resistance by 4% per stack which stacks 5 times (20% physical reduction) which means each subsequent hit will dish out even more damage. You will want to keep these stacks up as long as possible for the biggest DPS output.

    Leap - Your primary (or secondary) gap closing ability. While I'm not too fond of it because there isn't a knockdown associated with whomever you're charging, it's still a good ability to have as an extra gap closer. There is a choice of taking out the points from Plasma Whip and placing them into Leap if you want to have an extra charge instead of a snare with Plasma Whip.

    Savage Strikes - Semi bursty ability when you pair it up with a knockdown (Kick). Since I have Tier 4 on this ability, the extra damage also will apply to targets that I have tethered. While getting the Tier 8 would double the burst potential, there are better investments for these points.

    Plasma Saw - This is your primary DoT ability. Use this move every time it is off cooldown. With Tier 4 it can stack up to 3 times and you never want the stacks to fall off as it will increase your DPS exponentially.


    Kick - This is your one and only knockdown ability. While the cooldown is a fair 20 seconds, make sure to pair this up immediately with Savage Strikes for maximum DPS potential. It also destroys 1 interrupt armor which is a plus!

    Plasma Whip - Your secondary (or primary) gap closing ability. This is also an excellent peeling move for arenas.This will pull a foe to you and with Tier 4 it will also snare the foe by 50% for 4 seconds. I feel this is too good of an ability to pass up and would rather have a snare to make sure I'm staying on my target versus having two leaps.

    Tether Anchor - Another excellent peeling and sticking move. With this move, you're able to single out a target and force them to fight on your terms. In addition, you can pair this up with Savage Strikes for burst damage. While the cooldown is fairly long (30s) it is definitely worth having when it comes to arenas as a peel and as a way to stay on your target.


    This conclude Keninblack's Warrior PvP Guide! I am more than happy to answer any and all questions and accept any criticism for the guide. Thank you for taking a look and I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!