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This is a build that I have been messing around with in battlegrounds, whilst perhaps not exactly the final version I feel it wont be far off this. I am still playing with the AMP's and exact tiering of some of the abilities, but I emphasise where I think certain abilities should have a minimum Tier for clarity.
This Build is focused around Empower buffs and Actuator refunding to reduce having to use
Discharge and increase usage of
Quantum Cascade instead, these are your only cast time abilities as everything else is instant cast for spamming in between and when up. Finally there is lots of mobility in this build also as I find being able to get in and out of situations is a great saver.
For play style you Start with Fissure, spam Collider and atomise whenever they are up, other than that just spam Quantum Cascade. This is great for packs of opponents due to the huge telegraph. If you do actually at any point run out of Actuators then hit Discharge for one cast and off you go again.
Only for Actuator building ( I have this T8 at the moment for fast Actuator building when I do need it but with the AMPs and other Actuator refunding I find I don't use it much so I might be better placed elsewhere. I will test this more next beta weekend!)
Hit with this first for the expose and the T4 refund of an Actuator
Your main spam ability
Hit whenever it is off cooldown T4 for the below 70% health buff
Hit whenever it is up The Actuator chance is nice also.
Your Stun, You can hit this after Fissure to fix them in place while you unload all your Quantum Cascades.
Your give yourself some room vs melee charging you spell blink back snare and keep them just out of their telegraphs while still hitting with yours. This can be substituted for
If you are happy with less mobility and more damage form the extra Empower buff.
Your oh S&^t run button, self explanatory really.
Hybrid A/S
T1 all Crit hits, for procs on other AMPs and abilities.
T2 Null zone, reduces Assault power for any enemy that gets to close to you. As a medic you are typically in the thick of things so I find this helps a lot more than I initially thought!
T1 All assault power increase for obvious reasons.
T2 Recycler, is a mainstay of this build refunding Actuators while using Quantum Cascade.
T2 In Flux, give you almost a constant Empower buff as you are very rarely at full or zero actuators
T3 Danger zone, Again as previously noted you tend to be close in during fights this again gives you an almost permanent Empower buff again.
Hybrid A/U
Both the T2s I am still experimenting with
T1 PVP Offence for obvious reasons, 1 point in lifesteal as I had nowhere else I thought it deserved to go when left over!
T2 Stay with me, this is only really useful when you are hurting or seriously outnumbered, however when this kicks in at 30% it helps finish off that opponent who thought they had you beat 1v1.
T2 Weakness into strength, I find this means I can spam atomise more.
T3 Chemical Burn, for a T3 this sounds quite weak compared to some, it is however the 100% shield pierce that makes this amazing. With increased Crit hit AMP's this happens enough to really make a difference!
Hybrid S/U
T1 PVP Defence for obvious reasons.
Looks like a fun build, mobility is so important in PVP
A heal free Medic? Cool!