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Here is my current tanking build, I'm thinking I might have to switch from it due to my prevalence of being healed by medics as i screw there healing by always having some shield (They do massive shield heals if your shield is empty, mine is never empty). However, it's one I really enjoy playing with, it makes me much more stable than the other viable engineer builds, I'm around 90% Shield Mitigation so only 10% of damage goes off my health, that crossed with the constant incoming shield heals from my bot and disruptive module. This makes me less spikey compared to the deflect heavy unsteady miasma builds.
The constant feeding of Shield Heals gives me extra aggro too, the extra skill points bounce around depending on what we're fighting / doing etc but I do like the T8 on Particle ejector for group buffs and T4 Bruiser is too good to parse and T4 Repair Bot and Disruptive is how the build becomes so tanky.
Standard pull is Shock Pulse and fire your taunt as it's charging, this gives you a nice aggro build for the first few seconds to solidfy threat - moving straight into a disruptive module followed by particle ejector. Both your robots, your taunt and hyper wave can be cast while you're channeling other spells. Use Recursive Matrix either early to reduce first burst from a pack, or when you know you're about to be hit by something hard.
Incurus / Co-Leader of Nihilism