Stat Calculator still in beta.
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This guide died for a while as I'd stopped playing the game, however after transition to F2P I've began replaying
So here is the updated Ballista Slinger Pew-Pew! Made by myself based on Gameplay and discussion with other Spellslingers over the year, When played right the Spellslinger is a DPS machine but all too many people seem to approach them in the wrong way - reading this guide should help you on your way to becoming a fully fledged Slinger!
Please bear in mind that this is a late/end game build, I'm trying to figure out at the moment how this build can be scaled throughout levelling without under performing.
Whilst playing in the beta's of Wildstar and of course in final release, I've been amazed at how many people just don't get their stats - you see a Spellslinger moaning they can't bring the DPS only to see that they built for support PVP. Stats and AMPs make a HUGE difference in Wildstar, if you don't put in a bit of effort and just throw anything on you will die...
Finesse - This is one of your main focus stats, it grants more Assault Power, your main DPS damage stat.
Moxie - This controls your Critical hit chance & Critical hit severity, it's important for 'dem Flame Burst Procs!
Brutality - This controls your Strikethrough and Crit Severity. People seem confused about Strikethrough, it increases your chances to NOT have your attacks deflected or chance to strike through an opponent's shields or personal defenses. It's like True Damage!
Insight - Healing stat, doesn't help DPS
Tech - This is for Deflect and Deflect Crit Strikes, you're not a tank, you're a glass cannon - this is a no no for PvE.
Grit - Base Health stat, obviously health is important to take 'dem hard hits without shattering into a million pieces but it's unnecessary to stack or worry about it.
Slinger Stat Priority
Note: Although popular belief, a Spellslinger doesn't need to focus on Brutality until 35-40, having around 3% prior to hitting 35 is perfectly fine as long as you've picked up Arcane Shock for 'dem interrupts! by 50 you should have a minimum of 5%, 7% for elites and 10% for raids... So try getting at least 10% if your serious!
When you begin your rotation you want to start with your Spellsurge turned off, this might seem counter-intuitive at first but it works into the rotation to maximise DPS without wasting Surge Power needlessly.
--> (if proc)
Start with
to get your 10% Assault Power buff, throw out
to lower magic resistence (your Espers will love you!). Pop your
to apply double stack, then use
. At this point if
is up use it, then pummel the target with
, then follow up with
, if
did not Proc, it should have by now, so use it!. Mash
until both versions of
are complete to keep your 10% Asssault Power up. When
expires, begin rotation again as
should have regenerated, if for some reason it hasn't fill with
Use Flame Burst when it's available but NEVER EVER in between Spell Surged Ignite and Assassinate as you'll blow all your Surge on it, lowering your DPS.
Finally, the skill loadout allows for 100% mobility in a fight, which is REALLY important in most fights, stationary casting skills make you a stationary target and when you have to move you're not Slinging 'dem Spells!
As well as your Pew-Pew skill loadout you will want to take some Utility skills.
There are 3 Utility skills I'd recommend for PvE content.
- You want to use this as your standard interrupt skill which will be mandatory to use in dungeons and raids unless your Raid/Group leader says otherwise!
- Gate is one Gorram useful skill! Firstly you can use it as a last resort interrupt skill when someone misses or theirs in on cd. I say last resort because you have many factors to consider using Gate as an interrupt, you will be passing through the mob or boss so you have to be aware of your surroundings and enemy telegraphs, it can also put you out of position if you're not paying enough attention! it can also be used like a blink to get across gaps and ledges easily or get you out of a large telegraph if your dashes are on cd.
- Void Slip can be useful in PUGs to drop threat if shit gets a bit too real for your squishy Slinger. Remember popping this in a fight will lower that DPS!
Over the past year of playing I have seen a hell of alot of PUG Spellslingers dropping useful utility skills or Assault skills in favour of
, This is dumb., unless your rolling full support don't take a support skill! you need to destroy interrupt armour and bring the DPS not heal. If you find yourself thinking
"I need to take Runic Healing" either your playing terribly or your group is shitty and they're what should be changed! Dear PUGslingers, please stahp!
A lot has changed in Drop 6 - once I have figured this crap out I will update this section.
Before you've got all your Elder Gems things are going to look a bit different, not much... but a little! Firstly your
will be tier 1 rather than tier 5 - this is your last priority! only use your Elder Gems for your Wild Barrage!
Secondly your AMP loadout will be slightly unrefined, it will look like this:
Prioritise these before building your Shield Capacity, Lifesteal and Withering Magic!