Hybrid PVE Engineer Tank engineer pve pvp tank
Engineer Guide by Lilleyos Last update at Jan 10th 2015, 14:16

  • Current Level 0 /50
  • Ability Points 0 /0
  • AMP Points 0 /0
  • Elder Gems 0 /17
  • 0
    • = Locked by Tier
    • = Unlocked but Locked by Parent
    Max Health Assault Power Support Power
    Brutality 0000
    Finesse 0000
    Moxie 0000
    Tech 0000
    Insight 0000
    Grit 0000
    Strikethrough Chance 0% Critical Hit Chance 0% Critical Hit Severity 0% Deflect Chance 0% Deflect Critical Hit Chance 0%
    Stat Calculator still in beta.
    Found wrong or missing information? Please, feedback or email community@ws-base.com.
    • 1. Hybrid Tanking: Why?
    • 2. The Ideal Rotation
    • 3. Additional Skills
    • 4. A final word

    Hybrid Tanking: Why?

    This build is a bit of travesty when it comes to the ideal perception of what a tank should do. This build is about optimising hybridisation and as such, with sufficient gear, it is capable of main tanking a GA raid against fully geared players whilst allowing improved DPS over standard tank builds. I need to stress that this will change in drop 4, and as such is a drop 3 funtimes build showcasing that engineers are amazing.

    The reason for this build: boredom. My healers are amazing, my gear provides enough threat to not worry about it and lastly I grew bored of maximising my ability to pop cool downs during high damage phases of GA (of which there aren't many at this gear level).

    Why both with damage as a tank?
    For the glorious parses.

    This whole guide is not about the "best way" to tank GA, but to simply have fun, and do a bit more dps on bosses resulting in (minutely) faster kills.

    The Ideal Rotation

    The ideal rotation
    If main tanking, you will be in tank stance. Begin the pull by using the active abilities of
    , immediately follow this up with
    whilst remembering to use
    on cool down.

    You're DPS guildies will be un-able to allow you to build a threat lead, as they develop brain tumours if they don't pop every cooldown possible within 1 second of starting a fight.
    What to do if you don't maintain threat within 10 seconds of fight: Use
    so the enemy keeps hitting you regardless of the threat table, when it is about to wear off then use
    to get top threat and continue
    spam. If you aren't top threat by this point, you either don't have the gear for this or can pop your innate to top the threat.

    If you're off tanking then make sure you're in DPS stance. Begin the pull by using the active abilities of
    , immediately follow this up by popping your innate, dps gadget and then
    whilst remembering to use
    on cool down.

    During the fight continue to use
    at every opportunity whilst using your pets active abilities, quick burst and hyper wave on cooldown. Save
    to deal with mechanics, any additional threat you might need and because it reduces damage done to everyone but the taunter! helping the raid ftw.

    Additional Skills

    I have left the 8th LAS slot empty because it changes depending on what I need to do.

    Interrupting -

    CC Break -

    More DPS -

    Speaks for itself (volatility dump, deflect, damage!) -

    Hilarious volatility dump -
    (no idea if this works out as a dps increase vs consistent
    spam, but so satisfying to use).

    A final word

    This build is just for fun, and is completely gear/ healers dependant. I hope you can take something from it before drop 4 hits.

    Enjoy! :-)