Simple Medic Starter - GR Build (WIP) easy gr medic new
Medic Guide by IjioNano Last update at Apr 5th 2017, 21:06

  • Current Level 0 /50
  • Ability Points 0 /0
  • AMP Points 0 /0
  • Elder Gems 0 /17
  • 0
    • = Locked by Tier
    • = Unlocked but Locked by Parent
    Max Health Assault Power Support Power
    Brutality 0000
    Finesse 0000
    Moxie 0000
    Tech 0000
    Insight 0000
    Grit 0000
    Strikethrough Chance 0% Critical Hit Chance 0% Critical Hit Severity 0% Deflect Chance 0% Deflect Critical Hit Chance 0%
    Stat Calculator still in beta.
    Found wrong or missing information? Please, feedback or email

    Welcome to the WSRP Fresh Level 50 Medic guide. As implied, this is for new people getting familiar with their class, and for those that don't have any additional amps and abilities yet. This build isn't as strong as other builds, and it is certainly not perfect since I'm not someone that's sat down to grind the numbers to optimize, but it's more to help get you started in the game as of the Primal Matrix patch. I'll also be super happy if anyone wants to add info to help.

    Let's familiarize ourselves with each skill:

    - Gamma Rays, or GR, is going to be your main damage dealing spell. The fun thing about Gamma Rays is that you're going to be holding down this button quite a bit, until you run out of Actuators. For this class, Actuators are the resource for medic skills (particularly your Gamma Rays). Your rotation for doing damage is going to center around managing your Actuators, and building them up quickly so you can spam Gamma Rays.

    - Atomize is your new friend. Say hello. Atomize is one of the skills you will be using to replenish your Actuators. It will activate after you land a multi-hit with your Gamma Rays. The fun part is that Atomize can be cast at the same time as other skills! So what you will want to do is hit Atomize whenever you can, even while you are spamming your Gamma Rays. Atomize does have a cool down, though, so there will be other ways to replenish your Actuators.

    Energize, also known as your Innate Skill (Usually Keybound to R) - Energize is your Medic Innate skill. It has many uses. It will instantly replenish your actuators to full, restore 30% of your shields, and add an empower of 14% to Assault and Support Power. In this build, its most important role is to replenish actuators to keep you going. The empower is a nice side effect.

    - Now you may be wondering, what on earth is this skill doing here? Shouldn't I take
    instead? Well... I lied, yes, this build is a bit more optimized since I did bum some tips off Enigma guides and Doctor House. Emissions can help trigger the Scalpel! Forceps! Amp, and also trigger Dual Shock, the next skill I'm going to explain. Emission is your last resort Actuator builder. When you're no longer able to use Gamma Rays, and you've used up your Atomize and Energize, Emission is the skill to use, and you should be able to only use Emission once before using Dual Shock and restarting your Gamma Ray spam of terror. You can also use this skill in vain as your tank goes down and you scream in agony as the boss turns on you.

    Meet Atomize's younger brother. This skill will only trigger once you use
    once. Once you use Emission, go ahead and use Dual Shock immediately and keep spamming Gamma Rays. If you can't, just use Emissions again, and try to build up a reserve. At this point it's just a matter of practice and figuring out how to manage your resources.

    This is your stun! Stuns are great. Stuns allow you to, well, stun the enemy. This can turn the enemy's HP bar purple, which indicates you correctly pulled off a stun. Stuns give you Moments of Opportunity (the purple bar) which means you will deal extra damage to the enemy. Stuns are also necessary to keep a boss from performing a terrible game mechanic that might devour your party. When in doubt, ask a more experienced player if you need a stun or something else for a particular fight!

    This is, to put it lightly, your GTFO skill. It'll blink you forward 20 meters and you'll run faster for 5 seconds by 20% movement speed. You will more likely than not replace this with an additional stun such as
    - Magnetic Lockdown, or
    - Calm, a CC break. But it's nice to have.

    Empowering Probes is a buff that's great for upping damage dealt. Try to buff your party members with this, and more importantly, use Empowering probes right after you use
    . Let me explain. Empowering Probes has an animation that immediately interrupts the spell cast animation of any other skill. So, cast Fissure and IMMEDIATELY cast Empowering Probes, shortening the amount of time between you casting buffs and the amount of time you're doing damage.

    Fissure is a skill that deals damage and also gives an Expose to up to 5 enemies. The expose reduces the enemy's Tech Resistance by 12% for 12 seconds at tier 1. This won't help on enemies that have zero tech resist, but it does do damage while you're waiting for your actuators to build up from Power Cadence in emergencies. Cast Fissure, use Empowering

    Now that we've explained all the skills, let me show you what a rotation might look like for you.

    (Use Empowering Probes to squish Fissure's attack animation!)
    (spam) ->
    (use while spamming GR) -> Energize (when you no longer have Actuators) -> (You finally run out of Actuators) ->
    (spam again)

    (WIP, more to be added soon)