Rank: User
Joined: Sep 19th 2014, 23:07
Last Login: on 19/9/14
Popularity: 0 (Cupcake)


Title Rating
Templar healer-tank combo Last update on 19/9/14 2504 0
auramancy defense healer pve pvp tank vitalism
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Alkey commented the Build War Cleric - Unstoppable Juggernaut [PT-BR/EN-US] at on 19/9/14
Alkey commented the Build Dark Weaver at on 19/9/14
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Alkey commented the Build Ninja Build, leaping here and there on battle at on 19/9/14
Alkey commented the Build Skullknight/Cavaleiro Osseo DeathTank - TEST at on 19/9/14
Alkey commented the Build PvP giga-tank at on 19/9/14
Alkey commented the Build SHADOWPLAY at on 19/9/14