Rank: User
Joined: Sep 30th 2013, 23:31
Last Login: on 20/1/14
Popularity: 0 (Cupcake)


Title Rating
Sorcerer Sorc support and for PVP Last update on 13/10/13 2253 0
dps leveling pve pvp sorcerer
Ranger PURE PVE RANGER Last update on 13/10/13 2440 7
dps pvp ranger
Priest Priest DPS, and For PVP Last update on 12/10/13 2140 0
dps leveling priest pve pvp
Monk Monk Balance Stats, Tanking and For PVP Last update on 11/10/13 2426 0
leveling monk pve pvp tank
Rogue Rogue for PVE ONLY Last update on 11/10/13 2299 0
dps pvp rogue
Wizard Wizard pvp or farming Last update on 9/10/13 2428 0
dps leveling pve pvp wizard
Assassin Assassin solo dungeon or pvp Last update on 9/10/13 2558 0
assassin dps leveling pve pvp
Knight Balance Knight Last update on 9/10/13 2376 2
dps knight leveling pve pvp
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Satalin commented the Build PURE PVE RANGER at on 31/10/13
Satalin commented the Build PURE PVE RANGER at on 31/10/13
Satalin commented the Build PURE PVE RANGER at on 31/10/13
Satalin commented the Build PURE PVE RANGER at on 30/10/13
Satalin commented the Build PURE PVE RANGER at on 30/10/13
Karma4 commented the Build PURE PVE RANGER at on 20/1/14
Karma4 commented the Build PURE PVE RANGER at on 20/1/14
Karma4 commented the Build Chin Hybrid Ranger at on 16/10/13
Karma4 commented the Build Chin Hybrid Ranger at on 16/10/13
Karma4 commented the Build Chin Hybrid Ranger at on 16/10/13
Karma4 commented the Build Chin Hybrid Ranger at on 16/10/13
Karma4 commented the Build BADASS WIZARD!!! >.< at on 13/10/13
Karma4 commented the Build BADASS WIZARD!!! >.< at on 13/10/13
Karma4 commented the Build Rogue versdi DEMANG at on 9/10/13
Karma4 commented the Build (Post-Rank B) Hybrid Knight at on 9/10/13
Karma4 disliked the build TombCaller at on 16/10/13