Rank: User
Joined: Oct 27th 2014, 17:52
Last Login: on 19/4/15
Popularity: 5 (Cupcake)



Ingame Nickname (IGN)

Title Rating
Shadowblade - The real Executioner Last update on 19/4/15 26364 16
battlerage dps pve pvp shadowplay witchcraft
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Draiven commented the Build Shadowblade - The real Executioner at on 2/8/15
Vanlorde commented the Build Shadowblade - The real Executioner at on 9/4/15
Vanlorde commented the Build Shadowblade - The real Executioner at on 9/4/15
housey commented the Build Shadowblade - The real Executioner at on 12/3/15
Vermillion commented the Build Shadowblade - The real Executioner at on 1/2/15
krazypunk1018 commented the Build Shadowblade - The real Executioner at on 5/2/15
krazypunk1018 commented the Build Shadowblade - The real Executioner at on 2/2/15
arcare commented the Build Shadowblade - The real Executioner at on 8/12/14
InNecoVeritas commented the Build Shadowblade - The real Executioner at on 9/12/14
KurodaAkira commented the Build Shadowblade - The real Executioner at on 10/2/15
KurodaAkira commented the Build Shadowblade - The real Executioner at on 6/2/15
KurodaAkira commented the Build 2H Warlord Fear at on 1/2/15
KurodaAkira commented the Build Shadowblade - The real Executioner at on 7/4/15
KurodaAkira commented the Build Master 55 Shadowblade at on 24/2/15
KurodaAkira liked the build at on 5/2/15