Rank: User
Joined: May 20th 2013, 00:20
Last Login: on 30/11/-1
Popularity: 0 (Cupcake)


Title Rating
Rogue Mickgi's Epic Rogue Last update on 17/6/13 2698 0
dps pvp rogue
Sorcerer Mickgi's Epic Sorc Last update on 17/6/13 2885 0
dps leveling pve pvp sorcerer
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Mickgi commented the Build Crecentia - DoT DPS at on 16/6/13
Mickgi commented the Build Crecentia - DoT DPS at on 15/6/13
Mickgi commented the Build Crecentia - DoT DPS at on 15/6/13
Mickgi commented the Build Ahjussi's Tank Warrior at on 9/6/13
Mickgi commented the Build Soulmaker - Supportive Build at on 5/6/13
Mickgi commented the Build FULL SUPPORT PRIEST WITH GREAT HEAL at on 20/5/13