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Joined: Nov 5th 2014, 14:45
Last Login: on 13/1/15
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MrCrankey commented the Build Kooncoon #1 Korea Ranger at on 8/11/14
MrCrankey commented the Build Primeval at on 8/11/14
MrCrankey commented the Build Darkcuzao at on 8/11/14
MrCrankey commented the Build Darkrunner at on 8/11/14
MrCrankey commented the Build Darkplate at on 8/11/14
MrCrankey commented the Build Koorby's PVP Darkrunner at on 8/11/14
MrCrankey commented the Build New Darkrunner at on 8/11/14
MrCrankey commented the Build Darkrunner PVP at on 8/11/14
MrCrankey commented the Build Darkrunner at on 8/11/14
MrCrankey commented the Build Darkrunner at on 8/11/14
MrCrankey commented the Build Darkrunner at on 8/11/14
MrCrankey disliked the build Kooncoon #1 Korea Ranger at on 8/11/14