Rank: User
Joined: Jul 13th 2014, 09:03
Last Login: on 29/11/14
Popularity: 5 (Cupcake)


Title Rating
fake daggerspell-PvP 55 Last update on 29/11/14 10632 8
dps pve pvp shadowplay sorcery witchcraft
fake Daggerspell- PvP 50 Last update on 1/11/14 1928 0
dps pve pvp shadowplay sorcery witchcraft
daggerspell Last update on 11/10/14 1811 0
dps pve pvp shadowplay sorcery witchcraft
Defiler Last update on 14/9/14 1919 0
defense dps occultism pve pvp tank witchcraft
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GDog2Cool4u commented the Build fake daggerspell-PvP 55 at on 18/12/14
Arshe commented the Build fake daggerspell-PvP 55 at on 26/11/14
RagePrimeEu commented the Build fake daggerspell-PvP 55 at on 2/10/14
dudurpp commented the Build fake daggerspell-PvP 55 at on 8/12/14
chocolateman327 commented the Build fake daggerspell-PvP 55 at on 18/11/14
Oxen commented the Build fake daggerspell-PvP 55 at on 24/11/14
Nieve commented the Build fake daggerspell-PvP 55 at on 26/11/14
Nieve commented the Build fake daggerspell-PvP 55 at on 22/11/14
Nieve commented the Build Oxen~ tons of DAMAGE ~ Outrider [guide + video] at on 22/11/14
Nieve commented the Build Demonologist: the power of the combos at on 16/11/14
Nieve commented the Build PvP - High DPS Demonologist at on 16/11/14
Nieve commented the Build PvP - High DPS Demonologist at on 16/11/14
Nieve commented the Build [Guide] DONEE'S AWESOME ShadowKnight PvP at on 16/11/14
Nieve commented the Build War Cleric - Unstoppable Juggernaut [PT-BR/EN-US] at on 16/11/14
Nieve liked the build at on 22/11/14