Rank: User
Joined: Aug 27th 2014, 07:59
Last Login: on 8/11/14
Popularity: 1 (Cupcake)


Astrid or Lobato

Ingame Nickname (IGN)

Title Rating
Shadowblade PVP PT/BR Last update on 15/10/14 14549 6
battlerage dps pve pvp shadowplay witchcraft
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ghostofdeath commented the Build Shadowblade PVP PT/BR at on 16/9/14
leandroacfonseca commented the Build Shadowblade PVP PT/BR at on 12/9/14
davidces commented the Build Shadowblade PVP PT/BR at on 2/9/14
OverShadow commented the Build Shadowblade 55 - Kill/Control Combo at on 18/9/14
OverShadow commented the Build Shadowblade PVP PT/BR at on 12/9/14
OverShadow commented the Build Shadowblade PVP PT/BR at on 12/9/14
OverShadow commented the Build The Lord of the wizards | Revenant at on 3/9/14
GuzTavO commented the Build Shadowblade PVP PT/BR at on 10/9/14
OverShadow disliked the build OverPower SHADOWBLADE new 2.9 Build at on 2/9/14