Rank: User
Joined: Apr 1st 2014, 17:58
Last Login: on 16/7/14
Popularity: 0 (Cupcake)


Title Rating
Base AP/AMP Max DPS - Single Target Last update on 30/5/14 2947 0
dps pve pvp stalker
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Regen4 commented the Build Stalker Dungeon/Raid DPS (Outdated) at on 1/4/14
Regen4 commented the Build Stalkers Do It From Behind at on 1/4/14
Regen4 commented the Build Mirage Raid DPS at on 1/4/14
Regen4 commented the Build Mirage Raid DPS at on 1/4/14
Regen4 commented the Build [PVE][DPS] Monotarget : Stalkers do it from behind at on 1/4/14
Regen4 commented the Build [PVE][DPS] Multitarget : AOE me, I'm famous at on 1/4/14
Regen4 disliked the build Stalker Dungeon/Raid DPS (Outdated) at on 1/4/14