Rank: User
Joined: Jun 4th 2014, 09:58
Last Login: on 21/8/14
Popularity: 3 (Cupcake)


Ratmir, Nightmarish

Ingame Nickname (IGN)

Title Rating
Daggerspell universal Last update on 18/8/14 2929 0
dps pve pvp shadowplay sorcery witchcraft
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Roann commented the Build Archery Soul Harvester at on 9/6/14
Roann commented the Build Treasure Hunter - Disarm + PowerBurst [PT-BR] at on 9/6/14
Roann commented the Build Herald Mage at on 9/6/14
Roann commented the Build Darkrunner at on 6/6/14
Roann commented the Build tanky hexblade at on 6/6/14
Roann commented the Build Angel of Death at on 5/6/14
Roann commented the Build Highlander at on 5/6/14
Roann commented the Build Blooddragon Ranger at on 5/6/14
Roann commented the Build Tank Event Kraken at on 5/6/14
Roann commented the Build Tank Event Kraken at on 5/6/14
Roann commented the Build Heal Event Kraken at on 5/6/14
Roann commented the Build Power Necro (pvp duo supp) at on 5/6/14
Roann commented the Build arcanist50 at on 5/6/14
Roann commented the Build Hermit PvE at on 4/6/14
Roann commented the Build Hermit PvP at on 4/6/14
Roann disliked the build OverPower SHADOWBLADE new 2.9 Build at on 4/6/14