Rank: User
Joined: Aug 25th 2014, 07:28
Last Login: on 25/8/14
Popularity: 0 (Cupcake)


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PvP Arcanist Last update on 25/8/14 2577 0
auramancy dps pve pvp sorcery witchcraft
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Yrth commented the Build Archer PVP at on 25/8/14
Yrth commented the Build Darkrunner at on 25/8/14
Yrth commented the User Wall SofHands at on 25/8/14
Yrth commented the User Wall Stanleys at on 25/8/14
Yrth commented the Build Primeval ( PvP Build ) at on 25/8/14
Yrth commented the Build DARKRUNNER PRO at on 25/8/14
Yrth commented the Build Demonologist lvl50 The CriticalDemon at on 25/8/14
disliked the build at on 31/12/69