Rank: User
Joined: May 25th 2014, 18:37
Last Login: on 9/11/14
Popularity: 0 (Cupcake)


Title Rating
Priest (Just for fun) *Old* Hybrid Priest Last update on 9/11/14 1934 0
dps leveling priest pve pvp
Priest (Personal build) Hybrid Priest Last update on 9/11/14 2088 0
dps leveling priest pve pvp
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fr0zn commented the Build (Post-Rank B) Hybrid Priest v2 at on 6/11/14
fr0zn commented the Build (Post-Rank B) Hybrid Priest v2 at on 30/10/14
fr0zn commented the Build (Post-Rank B) Hybrid Priest v2 at on 30/10/14
fr0zn commented the Build Master Priest (69 skill points) for leveling at on 29/10/14
fr0zn commented the Build (Post-Rank B) Hybrid Priest v2 at on 29/10/14
disliked the build at on 31/12/69